My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The True Meaning that Lies Beyond the Ocean

“The ocean is everything I want to be. Beautiful, mysterious, wild, and free.”  The first time I laid my eyes on the ocean, I instantly fell in love.  Ever since I was a young child I...

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Student Article
A Glimpse Into My Future

"What colleges are you applying to?" "Do you know what you want to major in?" "Are you going to get a dorm or live at home?" Every high school senior has heard these questions...

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Student Article
The Unexpected Joys In Bread, Cobblestones, and Graffiti

During every vacation that my family takes together, I insist that we must visit various historical sites. When we travelled to France, I fought for a detour to Normandy. When in London, I dragged them...

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Student Article
First of Many Best Friend Adventures

       The last wedding on my mom’s side of the family was finalized, and my family’s attendance was most certainly required. This was the perfect trip for my best...

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Student Article
“I Think We Might Die” – Tempting Fate at ‘The Bowl’

It was 5:30 am and my mom was egregiously speeding through Arches National Park in Utah. The speed limit was 25 around long, looping curves and roads that wound between towering spires of red sandstone,...

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Student Article
Bewitched in Barcelona

There is no such thing as being over-prepared! I think to myself as I scour “Best Things to Do in Barcelona” lists, read restaurant reviews, and print tickets. My family is going to Barcelona...

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Student Article
The Concept of a Home

All around the world, people define the word “home” differently. No matter the language it is pronounced in, every person has their own deeper, more individualistic perspective on the concept of...

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Student Article
New York’s Unexpected Beauties

The city was breathtaking, an enchanting and magnetic place I will never forget. The hustle and bustle of New Yorkers trying to get to where they need to be, tourists snapping pictures at every location,...

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Student Article
Day Trip to an Underwater Paradise – Kapalua Bay, Maui

              The first time I went snorkeling, I received a mouthful of salty seawater and had only spent minutes in the wind-swept water before scampering back to...

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