My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Capturing the Heart of Athens

The most unexpected moments sometimes turn out to be the ones that influence you the most.  This was the force of the mighty Syntagma Square, the prominent historic area in Athens, Greece. It...

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Student Article
Through Dust and Debris: Exploring a Buried City

If you take one look at Instagram posts under the hashtag “#vacation”, chances are you’ll see photos of people surrounded by palm trees, tanning beds, and beachside pool service in some far off...

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Student Article
From Zebras To Love

“It’s a zebra!!!” Not hidden behind barred gates or three inch glass but standing directly in front of me. I leaned in close, throwing all caution to the wind with this seemingly-harmless...

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Student Article
En el Corazón de la Furia Roja

The time is approximately 7:00 AM as I bid farewell to my grandmother inside of the...

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Student Article
Dirt Roads and Land Cruisers: Why I Love Africa

The warm night air envelopes my face as I stretch my legs after an 8-hour flight. My mom, brothers, and I wait outside as my dad goes off in search of our driver, Stefan. I smile to myself. The familiar...

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Student Article
A Volcano and a Hitchhiker Open My Eyes

We had been on Big Island for a week, enjoying the vibrant blue water and colorful Hawaiian reefs, when our family decided we wanted something more adventurous. Naturally, we decided to visit a volcano...

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Student Article
Graceful Song for Beyond the Grave

A full expanse of mountainous Korean land stretched out before us with little hill-like graves embodying the terraced plot of land. Pine trees swayed in the wind as the setting sun’s rays warmed their...

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Student Article
Dust Motes

The dust motes. They floated with the ambience of rolling hills. A suspended colloid, only visible with a shaft of early morning sunlight piercing through the window of the electric bus, making those...

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Student Article
There Are Rats All Over the World

Venice, Italy is like no other place in all the world. Venetian beauty cascades from atop the clanging San Marco bell tower all the way down into its teaming maze of canals. Walking the narrow,...

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