My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Seven UnBelizeable Days

Last summer I went on my first international mission trip with my church and a church group from Alabama to Dangriga, Belize. There I spent seven days in the hot Belizean sun making memories and friends...

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Student Article
My Journey of Discovering the Meaning of “Sí Se Puede”

The world is a marvelous place, home to many cultures, beautiful scenery, and many undiscovered beauties. Since I was a child, I dreamt of traveling this beautiful blue marble, called Earth. I had no...

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Student Article
Rediscovering My Roots: A Trip to Vietnam

It was a steamy day when our plane touched down in Da Nang, Vietnam. But then again, what summer day wasn't hot in Vietnam? Being Texas natives did not make my family immune to the blistering sun. It...

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Student Article
Galveston: The (Not So) Pristine, Sunny and Glamorous Beach Getaway

It rained so hard on the drive down to the island that the only thing I could see sometimes was the taillights of the car in front of us. Since the sun rose the sky had been grey, and the car crept forward...

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Student Article
Santo Domingo, A Whole New World

In the summer of 2016, my family rented a charming townhouse by the beach, packed our bags and took on what would be one of the most eye-opening experiences we’ve ever had. Ideally, being...

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Student Article
Finding Home

This is Vietnam at 6:00 in the morning. I peer out from the tenth story...

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Student Article
VSA (Vacation of Scholarly Acceptance)

Merriam-Webster says that a vacation is a period of time spent away from work in order to rest or travel, but my vacation was much more than that. My time spent in Nashville, Tennessee, blended together...

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Student Article
The Pounds I Gained from Paris to Provence

In a word association test pertaining to France, people will likely come up with answers such as Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Tour de France. However, I had the opportunity to visit France with my family...

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Student Article
The Trip of a Lifetime

When I was a little girl, the best presents I would receive were from my grandmother. My chest would cinch with anticipation as I spotted one of her coveted parcels lying in the doorway. Inside would...

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