My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Through Their Eyes

Through my eyes luxury was defined as expensive cars, five star restaurants, and high class living. But through theirs it was clean running water, a safe home, and enough food for the day. When I first...

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Student Article
A Thousand Ones

The silence is so strong it hurts my ears. It’s as if the people around me are trying not to wake the souls that lie below our feet. The water around us seems shadowy, but I know what is there. It’s...

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Student Article
The Blossoming of Compassion

"Anything will help. God bless you." "Mother of 4." "Homeless. In Need." Everyday as I drive to school I pass signs resembling these. I sit nervously tapping my foot on the gas pedal trying to...

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Florence, Oregon – A Sandlot Full Of Dune Buggy Fun

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area in coastal southern Oregon provides active families buckets of fun -- in a unique setting of enormous sand dunes near the town of Florence. No matter how...

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Student Article
Life at 10,000 Feet

They told me oxygen would be scarcer, but they didn’t tell me it was the mountains that would take my breath away. I was deep in the heart of the Peruvian Andes, in a small village called Ollantaytambo....

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Student Article
Navigating the Dark in the City of Light

Travel is the insane desire to become lost. Lost in a culture, a language, lost in ourselves. And when I decided to study abroad for a year, I was completely unaware of how my world would change, of how...

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Student Article
Storming Castles and Hunting Dwarves in Poland

As a kid with an incredibly active imagination, I loved acting out the stories that my Mom read to me or what I saw in movies. I taped flashlights to my arms to shoot lasers like Buzz Lightyear, and built...

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Student Article
A Grand Design

No one had to tell me to feel the way I did. I felt it all on my own. With depths as bottomless as the ocean, and craters so vast they seemed to spread across the world forever, the view was like nothing...

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Student Article
International Deprogramming: The truth About Nigeria

“So there I was, spear in hand,” I recounted to my thoroughly American friends, “The lion charged at me, jaws agape, snarling like the devil himself.” They’re all paying rapt attention...

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