My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
St. Lucian Paradise

The Caribbean islands have long been considered the ideal travel destination for their beautiful beaches, sunny weather, and vibrant culture. The island of St. Lucia embodies all of these notions and so...

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Student Article
The Power of People: Helping Rebuild in the Birthplace of Jazz

Pulling apart a roof is not as simple as it sounds. As I pried the warped and rotting shingles away from a house damaged by Katrina, I felt a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that I had never...

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Student Article

Over the past few years, I've chastised my friend for being obsessed with Korean culture without understanding what Korean culture really is. I was angry because I thought her interaction with Korea, one...

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Student Article
My Heart of Turquoise

I had never seen so many junipers in my life. The green, bushy plants stretched for miles into the desert of New Mexico like they could go on forever. We were far outside the city limits...

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Student Article
A New Set of Cultural Binoculars

“You’re just different. You look like us, and your family is from here, but you’re so American,” Marilyn told me for the twentieth time. I understood well enough that being first generation...

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Student Article
Remedy for Myopia

Lift up your eyes and see Windy Gusts o’er ocean corn: Prairie Vanishing.   Lift up your feet and soar; Clouds stooping to harvest rain So farmers...

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Student Article
China’s Treasure

I’m here. Ancient stones are only steps away from my touch. I see a high point in the glorious distance and make it my goal to at least make it there. I take my first step and just admire the wall itself....

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Student Article
Yellowstone: A Disaster Only A Family Could Love

At the beginning of eighth grade, at an ungodly hour in the morning, my 36 classmates and I gathered at the airport in t-shirts, shorts, and hiking boots. Packed in our suitcases were outfits similar...

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Student Article
One Love

I ease my water shoes into the chilly water, trusting our leader to guide us safely through the Dunn’s River Falls in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Our excursion group stayed together as directed: holding hands...

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