My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Home Is Where the Heart Was, Is and Will Be

A broken or separated...

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Student Article
The Day I Got Released and Confined

April 1, 2013 – to most people this date is not important; they just brush it off as a day that people try to play...

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Student Article
The Small, Picturesque Town

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Student Article
Natural Beauty and Human Strength

I spent three weeks in León, Nicaragua this summer, and almost every day, Nicaragua surprised me. My experience in León couldn’t have been more different than my life in the United States, and it...

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Student Article
Adventure Was Waiting

In 8th grade I was that kid who would leave my parents for about 3 days, having had enough freedom and adventure, and come back home as quickly as possible. But that completely changed when my mom convinced...

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Student Article
How Much Water Do You Need?

My French teacher organized an exchange program with a high school in La Rochelle, France. For the first couple of days, we stayed in Paris. For about a week and a half, we would stay with host families...

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Student Article
Encircled by Beauty

Three years ago, my family, journeyed from our suburban home in Frankfort, Illinois, to the beautiful, stunning wilderness of Yellowstone National...

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Student Article
I Come From the South

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Student Article
Endings and Beginnings

We had accepted a quest. A wonderful,...

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