My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Indulging in Deutschland

A connecting flight, a six-hour layover in Newark, an eight-hour flight to Düsseldorf and a train to Bochum, and I am finally met with open arms of my German sister (AKA exchange partner). Excitement...

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FTF Scholarship Encourages Teen Bloggers To Share Travel Tales

Media Alert:  FTF Scholarship Encourages Teen Bloggers To Share Travel TalesStudents Explore the Teen Travel Experience in 9th Annual Merit Competition for College Grants(New...

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Student Article
The Girl in Stripes

About two weeks ago, I had the privilege of going on my first, actual vacation. We were going on a road trip all the way to the Gulf of Mexico so my grandmother could see the ocean before she died....

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Student Article
It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Swing

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Student Article
Tai-Shan: The Waterslide of Sacred Mountains

Have you ever wanted to: start...

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Student Article
An Unexpectedly Wonderful Trip

When my parents said that we were taking a spontaneous trip, visiting the family cemetery was definitely not what I had in mind. Traveling over two hours to Melrose, Louisiana was not my idea of fun....

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Student Article
Get Lost in Paris on June 21st

There is no better time to plan a trip to France than in late June when the temperature is 70°F all day and the sun doesn’t set until 11:00 at night.  While I did know that being in Paris during...

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Taboo Resort, Golf And Conference Centre, Ontario, Canada

This family-friendly resort in the Muskoka Lake region of Ontario, is the backdrop for a low key but luxurious vacation where watersports,...

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Student Article

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