My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Lost in Marrakesh

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Student Article
Mid-Winter in Manhattan

I thought I’d seen New York. I thought...

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Student Article
I Think It Really Is My Kind of Town

This past spring break, my family and I embarked on a vacation to Chicago. Our main intention was to visit the University of Chicago and Northwestern...

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Student Article
Journey to the Emerald Isle

While on my travels to the U.K with the People to People Student Ambassador Program I was most excited about going to Ireland. Not only because of how beautiful everything looks over there (my camera...

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Student Article
Stressed But Blessed: London and Paris 2014

“No, I’m not too old to be a Girl Scout,” I told the man sitting next to me on the plane. I get tired of saying that. Before you ask, we do more than sell cookies, too. Way more in fact. At that...

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Student Article
Hello Dalai!

It was about noon when I fully realized that I was much farther away from the Dalai Lama then I had anticipated. I suppose, in retrospect, that that wasn’t entirely in my control (the Kalachakra festival...

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Student Article
Indian Identity

After we settled into the apartment my grandparents have lived in for years, I was presented with something I had sincerely missed: authentic South-Indian cuisine. Living in the United States and being...

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Student Article
Across the Pond in Ten Amazing Days

Buongiorno,  je m’appelle Jessie.  Wait. What I mean to say is, hello, I’m Jessie.  I guess you could say I’m having trouble reverting back to speaking...

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Student Article
The Lone Mushroom

In an attempt to discover pieces of myself that may have been hidden, I decided in the spring of 2014 to explore the...

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