My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
I Think It Really Is My Kind of Town

This past spring break, my family and I embarked on a vacation to Chicago. Our main intention was to visit the University of Chicago and Northwestern...

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Student Article
Journey to the Emerald Isle

While on my travels to the U.K with the People to People Student Ambassador Program I was most excited about going to Ireland. Not only because of how beautiful everything looks over there (my camera...

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Student Article
Stressed But Blessed: London and Paris 2014

“No, I’m not too old to be a Girl Scout,” I told the man sitting next to me on the plane. I get tired of saying that. Before you ask, we do more than sell cookies, too. Way more in fact. At that...

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Student Article
Hello Dalai!

It was about noon when I fully realized that I was much farther away from the Dalai Lama then I had anticipated. I suppose, in retrospect, that that wasn’t entirely in my control (the Kalachakra festival...

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Student Article
Indian Identity

After we settled into the apartment my grandparents have lived in for years, I was presented with something I had sincerely missed: authentic South-Indian cuisine. Living in the United States and being...

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Student Article
Across the Pond in Ten Amazing Days

Buongiorno,  je m’appelle Jessie.  Wait. What I mean to say is, hello, I’m Jessie.  I guess you could say I’m having trouble reverting back to speaking...

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Student Article
The Lone Mushroom

In an attempt to discover pieces of myself that may have been hidden, I decided in the spring of 2014 to explore the...

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Student Article
New York – A State of Mind

The Big Apple, The City that Never Sleeps, Gotham City. Whatever you call it, New York City is dazzling and unforgettable. The Statue of Liberty stretches her arm upwards, her torch pointing to the...

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Student Article
One Fraction

Four journeys. Eight plane rides. One fraction. At age two, I flew over the Atlantic Ocean guided by my Senegalese father and part Portuguese, Irish, German mother for the first time. Our destination...

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