My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A National Treasure: Washington D.C.

The mention of a trip to Washington D.C. may seem like the beginning of a dull monologue filled with visits to dusty museums and over-sized monuments. However, nothing could be further from the truth....

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Railing Across Europe With Kids In The Caboose

Nine solid reasons why train travel is an ideal way to get around Europe for some family travelers. Are you counting yourself in that some? Read on. Does Europe's excellent railroad service...

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Student Article
Israel through the Eyes of Jesse

      A pilgrimage is when an individual travels to a place that has major religious significance to that person.  In the Jewish religion, a pilgrim goes to Israel.  A pilgrim...

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Student Article
To Teach and Be Taught – A 30-Day Immersion Into Sichuanese Culture

When we first arrived in the village, our group set individual goals that we hoped to achieve over the span of the trip. I, being my modest self, vowed that I would both find a cure for allergies (since...

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Student Article
Nebraska? More Like Africa

, On...

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Student Article
How big is your backyard?

How big is your backyard? Before you answer with the actual size behind your house, I want to tell you it can be as big or small as you want it to be. Past our neighborhoods, past Orlando, and even...

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Student Article
The old world

Italy: Day 1 After the 8 hour long, tedious journey from Austria to Venice, Italy, I stood up and I felt as if gravity was pushing my body down. The buildings look as if...

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Student Article
Unique New York…. WHERES KEVIN!!!!!!

I love to travel; to me traveling is a relaxing and amazing experience. My whole life I have always wanted to go to New York. I don’t know if it is the big city lights or if it is all of the...

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Student Article
Alaska 2012

The moments I spent in Alaska are some to always be told but not...

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