My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Best Friends: Around the World and Back

Upon graduating from 8th grade, I had the opportunity to travel with my best friend, a few classmates and teachers/chaperones to Europe. Through Educational Tours, we traveled to London, Paris and...

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Student Article
3 teams, 3 stadiums, 3.3 million citizens, 1 city

"Ole Ole Ole, Cholo Simeone!" the crowd chanted loudly in unison as their home team ran up and down the pitch. It was a Sunday afternoon, no clouds in the sky and it was just the right...

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Student Article
Visiting the True Americans

From July 7th-13th, I had the privilege of meeting the true Americans. My church youth group went on our annual trip, and this year our destination was the Pine Ridge Reservation...

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Student Article
There’s Something Missing

    This summer I had the opportunity to travel with a choir group to a remote and desolate part of Africa. I saw a land of wild beauty and grace with a touch of devastation that seemed...

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Student Article
1st Trip To Europe

On a recent trip to Europe, I saw and experienced many wonderful aspects of European culture. My mother and I went on a Globus bus tour with 20 other Americans. We traveled from Italy up through Switzerland,...

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Student Article
Sainte Chapelle in Paris


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Student Article
High Stakes at Stokes

Living a fast paced, new age life style is no easy task, and my family prides itself on our ability to keep up with the demands of everyday living. We own the carpool route like it’s nobody’s...

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Student Article
Becoming A Family Far From Home

β€œShe was right there.” The venerable old woman pointed a crooked finger toward the flowerbed in front of her. All four of us stared into the little bed that was brimming with golden chrysanthemums....

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Student Article
The Creation of a Great Vacation

Day 1 – Tuesday In the beginning, there was no fun in Arkansas. The weather was hot and the heat was unbearable. So a mother...

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