My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Place Never Forgotten

Towering, white historical doors awaited us on the other side of the glass windows of the bus. Peace met us at the doors along with our tour guide. Two steps and there I was...

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Student Article
Lessons From Tiananmen Square

Although nothing special at home, walking in a large group through China's streets, we Americans learned what it was like to be celebrities: people stopped in the middle of their daily activities...

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Student Article
Uncharted. Unknown.

It was in third grade when my classmates and I learned in-depth about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. From learning about the foods that sustained them to the Native Americans that cared for them,...

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Student Article
My Spectacularly Unspectacular Summer

Last summer I went on vacation with my family. Our trip was not some huge ordeal; instead, it was a trip to Utah in order to drop my brother, Taylor, off at BYU. On the way, and once we arrived,...

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Student Article
Smell the Roses

Airplane food. Though often the butt of many an unfortunate joke, this scoffed-at cuisine stands alone in my mind, not because of its flavor or its lack thereof, but because of its sentimental value. That...

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Student Article
Le Reve Francais!

The opportunity to attend school and live in the French Alps for a year was too good to pass up. By the time packing was finished and farewells...

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Student Article
Footsteps in Argentina

I had a blast in Argentina meeting new people, experiencing new things, and learning about a different culture.  First, my classmates and I went to Conte Hotel and checked in. Afterwards, my...

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Student Article
March Of The Living

We visited Auschwitz, and saw rooms filled with shoes taken from the prisoners. I saw pictures of babies who were tortured and glass exhibits filled with human hair. We visited Treblinka, a camp completely...

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Student Article
Gateway to the West: Legacy Revealed

Kansas City, Missouri: A city just about 4 hours drive from the incredible Gateway Arch in St Louis. A true city of The West.  I had never been to the state of Missouri prior to this...

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