My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Return to Roots

Every summer I get the chance to travel to a new exotic place in the world.  All these trips are exciting and memorable, but none of these trips compare to when I go back to my native country,...

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Student Article
Dachau: An Experience That Humbled Me

A few years ago, my family and I traveled with a group from my school to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We went through a humbling experience when we visited Dachau, a concentration camp...

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Student Article
Empowering Women One Hospital at a Time

The taxi bounced down the side street over large rocks and dips in the road.  Through the window I could feel the hot humid African sun beating down…        I...

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Student Article
The Record Breaker

Each city is significant for a distinctive reason. Some are best known for sights thought only to exist in dreams, while others possess history far more realistic than classroom textbooks can describe....

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Student Article
Personalities of the Dusty Trail

We just finished an exciting morning of horseback riding—one of the few things I wanted to be sure we did before our vacation time was up. We found a homey ranch called

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Student Article
A Light in the Darkness

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...” is found in Matthew 28:19 and is the key reason for all mission work. This Spring Break I was fortunate enough to go half way across...

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Student Article
Power Outage Goes Wrong

This past July, my family and I took a white water rafting vacation in West Virginia. We arrived on a Thursday afternoon, when the sun was casting down its hottest rays. Our cabin was upgraded for...

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Student Article
Not Your Typical Textbook Travel

I gingerly lower my worn brown boots into the gently rocking boat and duck my head beneath the bright yellow tin roof. I hear giggles and excited squeals as my group begins to slowly move away from...

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Student Article
Farah 3: The Lost Visitor at the Kariamulliwaikkal beach

A trip to the beach usually means sharing a small area with a large crowd of people while basking in the warmth of the sun. There might be fishing boats, kayaks, or surfers enduring waves while trying...

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