My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Real World

Thick shrubbery punctuated by cowboys leading their herds to a watering hole comes to mind when one thinks of Wyoming. Indeed, upon my return, everyone smiled when they learned where we had been—and...

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Student Article
The Week My Eyes Were Opened

July 15, 2012. 3:00 a.m., my alarm sounded. My tired body was quickly energized when I remembered that the day set before me was the beginning of a journey like nothing I had embarked upon before.

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Student Article
My Cultural Immersion in Spain

My recent travel experience was not just seeing another country, but rather experiencing it. Recently, I had the privilege to travel to, live, and study in Alicante, Spain. I spent three weeks this past...

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Student Article
The Dark Side of Venice

My greatest impression as we left Venice was that it is a dying city, although that was not my first impression. After multiple delays that stretched our overnight train...

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Student Article
The Beauty of Adventure

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the clean foreign air a thousand miles away from everything I’d ever known.  I looked out into the peaceful night, my eyes traveling over the...

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Student Article
Walking on Sugar

Growing up in a society that embraces technology, my experiences in Boracay have opened my eyes towards a different kind of beauty. I had never been...

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Student Article
My Year Abroad

   Growing up in a small town has its limitations, and for this single reason, even at a young age, I craved to see what was outside my small town in Michigan. I wanted to learn about and...

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Student Article
A Babysitting Job That Became More Than What God Had Intended For Me

Hi, I am Diana. For my trip this year, I went to babysit my four month old niece, Claire, and her parents, Nick and Oana, in Houston. In this trip, I remembered who I was and what I was capable...

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Student Article
A Wonderful Journey, Not a Simple Trip

This may be a little unorthodox, but [i]bear with me[/i], okay? The trip about which I’m going to blog just happens to be a field trip to [size=18]Lawrence, Kansas.[/size] My...

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