My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Mountains, Waterfalls and Goats on the Roof

It took tons of research, convincing and finger-crossing to get my parents to take me on the vacation I'd always wanted: a roadtrip to some mountains and waterfalls. Regular  visits to the...

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Student Article
A Check Off the Bucket List

When I think of Barcelona, I can feel it. I can feel the rush of the subway as it passes by and I can feel the wind through my hair as I'm standing on the roof of...

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Student Article
My Travels

            In the beginning of August of 2010, my family and I went to Florida for a week on vacation. This would be our last family vacation...

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Student Article
Lost Abroad

At 17 years old, I believe myself to be very globally conscious-I desire to make a difference in the world, primarily through creating a system that will help those in poverty live in harmony with...

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Student Article
My Grandparents’ Soil Where My Heart Finds a Place

             Having emigrated as a tiny baby from the small country of Belarus whose inhabitant amount hardly exceeds nine million, I was...

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Student Article
Beautiful Italia

                Last year my family and I took a once- in- a- lifetime vacation to Italy! Our first leg of the trip took place in the hustle...

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Student Article
Climb Ev’ry Mountain

It was dark as we zoomed up the inner bowels of a mountain, and cold too. The train racing at speeds likely greater than 60 miles an hour. The pressure changes were recognized by me and my friends...

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Student Article
Hidden Treasures in Poverty

One of the best trips I have ever been on was my mission trip to Nicaragua.  That trip was the first time I had ever been in a primarily Spanish speaking country.  We flew into the capital,...

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Student Article
Our Trek from Beaver Bay to Castle Danger

This summer my family and I took a backpacking trip along the Superior Hiking Trail that runs from Duluth, MN to the Canadian border. We started at the Beaver Bay trailhead and hiked thirty-two miles...

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