My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Once Upon A Stormy Sea…

In the summer of 2010, the Andrews family embarked upon a journey meant to be a relaxing vacation at Mustang Island. The hotel was booked, our bags packed, and the car ready for the four hour drive...

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Student Article
Mad in Macau

     At the end of June, my family enjoyed a two-day trip to Macau, a country previously occupie by Portugal but now stands onit's own as a special administrative region of China....

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Student Article
Bad Königshofen

            “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” This is a quote I strongly believe in. Every time a travel...

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Student Article
Reunited on a Walk Around the World

My sister, Jen, had migrated towards the East, moving from our growing town in Texas to the tourist streets of Orlando, Florida. She worked as an employee in the college program Disney hosts, allowing...

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Student Article
The True Meaning of “Pura Vida”

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Student Article
From Russia with Love: A Colorful Experience

         “Goodbye U.S.A. Privet Russia” was the Facebook status that I posted as I was boarding Flight Number 611 going to Austria with a...

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Student Article
A Christmastime Cruise Along the Rhine River

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Student Article
Europe 2012

     My name is Bryan Gray and on behalf of the People to People Student Ambassador Program I would like to share my experience traveling to another country. People to People...

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Student Article
Destination Unknown

When I first heard I would be going to Panama to see my family, I have to admit I was worried. My mom often talked about her Panamanian cousins and the fun times they had...

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