My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Helpful Tips For Holidays And Safe Travel With Pets

I love my four-footed friends and want to ensure safe holiday travel with pets and help you make your adventures more pet-friendly.

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Student Article
A Natural Revelation

A short year ago, a city of great feats stood before me as my feet lifted from the grey steps of the airplane’s rickety ladder, and landed on the concrete below me. This tentative step marked the first...

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Student Article
From Ten to Twenty – Lessons learned Ecuador

As our large bus wheeled up the narrow path along Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador, I was distracted from the likelihood of death by the breathtaking view. Flowers I’ve never seen before, livestock, and people...

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Student Article
Discovering the Natural World in Norway

My sister Hanna and I sprinted down the dirt path, with our parents lagging behind. Ahead of us was one of the many stunning mountains that line Norway’s fjords. Waterfalls spewed from its cliffs. At...

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Student Article
Bear-ly Up the Mountain

The trail, meandering below the canopy as hardly a trickle of dust, seemed nondescript. We stood at the edge of its start, our backpacks hanging from our sweaty backs as mosquitos buzzed our ears. “Ten...

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Student Article
A Volunteer Trip I’ll Never Forget

Over the last six years, I have amassed over a thousand community service hours, volunteering at a variety of different events and organizations. I’ve worked at trash pick-ups, tutoring clubs, golf tournaments,...

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Student Article
The Bahamas

From the bright blue sky above, the sun beat down, casting its rays of warmth across the Bahamian sand. I felt warmed from the inside out, while a light misting from the ocean kept me cool. The soft breeze...

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Student Article
The Magic of Lost Lake

During the summer of 2018 my wanderlust was still going strong and we were visiting my family in Grand Junction, Colorado. My only goal for our one free day was to see some big pine trees. My mother suggested...

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Student Article
Lessons From Whales

Everyone anxiously stood still, holding their breath. Excitement exuded from everyone on board as we all waited to see what we journeyed so far for. Then we heard it: the whooshing sound of a whale exhaling....

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