My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Emerald Green by the Sparkling Sea

Ireland. A journey of a lifetime and a land of absolute astonishment for any traveler. Upon arriving via Lingus Airways at Shannon Airport, the hues of green confounded every spectator, and was a blinding...

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Student Article
Munich: Beyond the Hofbrauhaus

Munich, Germany is known as the beer capital of the world and is most famous for its annual Oktoberfest, but this city was founded on more than a love for beer. On a recent trip to the village which...

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Student Article
Home in the World, Roots in China-June 2013

This is the story of when I returned to my Found Site. What I saw made me realize how lucky I am. The roads were made of dirt, the building timeworn, and I stood in front of it – my Found...

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Student Article
5 Tips for Experiencing England

In June of 2017 I traveled to England, with a group of High-School students to explore British Literature and Culture. I traveled to Oxford, Stratford, Bath, Warwick, Canterbury, London, etcI.  was...

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Student Article
A Step That Took 250 Years

You could say this vacation trip actually started over 250 years ago. That’s when my eighth great grandfather (Granddad Matthew) came to America. I bet you are saying…WHAT? Well, his life story...

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Student Article
Undressed in Atami

Our loaf-shaped tour bus wove up hilly roads to the New Akao Hotel, located in Atami of Japan’s Shizuoka Prefecture. Its snow-white buildings had tucked themselves into leafy pockets on the rocky...

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Life Hack: De-Stress By Celebrating Family Holidays At Sea

Thinking of spending the holidays (any holiday) on a family cruise vacation; here's my report on the stress-free pluses and minor minuses of cruising over an Easter school break. As much as I love to...

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Student Article
Dying Legacies and A Dusty Attic: The Lost History of Hungary

One thing Andrew Pongratz is notoriously famous for is his horrendous driving. On his visits from Arizona, he would occasionally drive me to basketball practice, involving serious bumper riding and cruising...

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Student Article
Loving The Unloved: I Can Make A Difference

Large innocent eyes stare at me solemnly, faded from hopelessness and caked with the grit which came from years of living in garbage. Underneath the grime, I notice...

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