My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Final Night to ‘Never Forget’- The Journey Between Summer Camp and Auschwitz

My whole life revolved around summer camp. I would dream of  climbing onto the bus and taking off  for another summer spent lakeside with my best friends at Emma Kaufmann Camp. The school...

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Student Article
Pompeii Dreams

Young and hopeful, I dreamed of seeing the places from my "Who Was" books and History Channel documentaries. I wrote stories of going to Egypt and discovering King Tut’s tomb for myself. I wished...

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Student Article
Dance is the Universal Language

I stood center-stage in a colorful costume and stared out into the crowd eagerly filling the cobblestone square. Beyond, the Sudety mountains stood proudly before a glowing sunset. The music began,...

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Student Article
New York Two Ways

     The air is sharp, like the people who glance at our mini-man for but a second before discerning our place as outsiders looking into their world. The pale, yet colorful, cynical,...

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Student Article
Pilatus: The Dragon’s Mountain

LUCERNE, SWITZERLAND. 1421. It’s summer, when the snows have finally receded back into the fang-like peaks of Mount Pilatus. The small lakeside village rests peacefully...

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Student Article
Fifteen Cent Priceless Glossy 4×6’s

I can still see myself standing in the middle of the Budget parking lot, basking in the scent of rental cars, trying to imprint the moment in my memory for the rest of my...

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Student Article
An Evaluation of Public Transportation or, That One Time I Went to New England and Couldn’t Rent a Car

1. Airplane We arrived at the airport at approximately 4:15 the morning of November 11. My mother, my sister and I were taking a couple days to visit some colleges. We were flying into Laguardia that...

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Student Article
Uprooted in Gold

It was that night by the gas station when I felt it. A liquid, a lightness, kind of like the golden air over my shoulder as I sat on the curb. For a moment it was stretched out soft, carrying me with...

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Student Article
A Different Bird

I had been counting the days, then the hours during the plane ride. Finally I am in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, my home, the place I had been longing for the past year. And yet, back in the city, I feel...

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