My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Musings on My Father While in Moscow

My Dad always loved Russian literature. Every once in a while he’d plop down one of his books on my bed for me to read, but I never would pick it up. The books’ slow,...

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Student Article
Lies of Pond Painters

When I heaved myself onto the dock, I was tinted yellow. I was also slightly oily, with subtle odors of mud and sulfur. I grinned at my reflection and breathed deeply, inebriated by the scent of crisp...

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Student Article
Peculiar Friends: The Tale of A Goat And His Boy

The heat of the Saharan sun beat down on our minivan full of sweaty, tired tourists.  The convection oven with wheels intensified my hunger and my deep craving for salty, deep-fried Americanism:...

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Student Article
On Wings Like Eagles

I must admit, when my mother first pitched the idea of zip lining through the trees in the beautiful forests of Alaska, I was nervous, my mind instantly filled with questions and concerns. What if I...

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Student Article
In Stitches

Blood dripped from the patient’s thumb as an intern jabbed the crescent needle into the nail. The man felt no pain, as he’d received painkillers moments earlier. Clad...

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Student Article
Harmonizing with Nature

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Student Article
Assisi: St. Francis’ Fertile Fields

The golden glow of the pastoral Tuscan countryside had lulled us into a stupor from which our tour guide had so rudely awakened us. He announced that we were taking a stop outside Assisi for lunch, claiming...

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Student Article
The Center of the World

When Zeus instructed two eagles to circumnavigate the earth, I doubt he envisioned that thousands of years later, a younge blonde girl with red plastic sunglasses would stand in awe marvelling at the...

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Student Article
A Step Into History


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