My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Facing My Fears

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Student Article
I Czeched Out: Flying Out of My World and Into Another

Two words. Air. Sickness.  I had attempted to prepare myself for the 14 hour “adventure”, but there...

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Student Article
Path of Wind and Simple Days

Our feet, coated in grime and mountain mud, tread a path over the unsteady ground.  The trail we hiked was one of indeterminable quality: it was, in essence, the very perfection of hiking. Only...

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Student Article
The Day I Opened My Eyes

Travelling lets us explore. It lets us see other parts of the world and how others’ ways of living differ from our own. For me, it was a life-changing experience. I was 15, and straight out of my...

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Student Article
The Island of Charm

There is a special place in my heart for the origin of my heritage. That place is called Puerto Rico. It was the most dazzling, gorgeous, and love-filled place I’ve ever had the opportunity to visit. ...

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Student Article

As I exited the airport in Carolina, I inhaled deeply—the air was crisp and refreshing, just as I had imagined it to be. I looked around and was in awe at everything I saw; I could see the sandy beaches...

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Student Article
No Translation Needed

I thought I was ready for anything.  It was my second year traveling to Nicaragua to do service work.   Lulled into a false confidence, I talked excitedly with the rookies during the...

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Student Article
Hidden Gems of the Louvre

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Student Article
Media Madness

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