My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Dominican Republic: Changing Lives

     When our team leader told us our first mission work experience was going to be a visit to Pasitos de Jesus girls orphanage; I remained trapped in my timid and overly cautious state...

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Student Article
A New Experience in America’s Oldest Town

I always found myself falling asleep in history class. Some lessons couldn’t hold my interest. Even when I visited places filled with history, I found myself extremely bored. Summer of 2012 changed...

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Student Article
The Wonders of Costa Rica

The night that I arrived in Costa Rica it was like stepping into a whole new world. I had never been out of the United States before but I was more than enthusiastic to venture out into new surroundings...

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Student Article
Finding Family

On the way back from cleaning out her locker senior year, she was was hit by an ambulance. This is where everything began.My father got married years ago and had children: two boys and one girl,...

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Student Article
Exploring the Beaches of Trinidad

The alarm clock buzzes at six in the morning and I immediately shoot out of bed.  Despite the early start, I contentedly wake up and start packing as I review my checklist—towel, fresh ripened...

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Student Article
Expect the Unexpected

 In March of 2014, I journeyed with my junior class of twenty-six students on a road trip to Washington, D.C. We not only visited the Capitol and most of its sights, but made numerous...

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Student Article
Striving for More

Travel is a person’s way of expressing desire for something new, whether you’re conscious of it or not.  People take trips for multiple reasons: visiting family, leisure, exploration, or charity....

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Student Article
Big City, Big Lights: A New Home

Good morning Shanghai, my second home. The scattered rays of sunlight that manage to penetrate through the thick smog don't quite do justice to the city, a place better clothed in the sexy black of...

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Student Article
The Beautiful Disaster

July of 2014. Nashville, Tennessee. My senior year. This was going to be one of the last vacations I take with my parents, so we decided that we should take a 2 week vacation and explore every corner...

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