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Why Does Airline Food Taste so Awful?

Is it actually the food the airlines serve (when they do) that tastes so bad, or is it the flying experience make the food taste so awful?Wired Magazine reported...

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Travel Video Review: Union Street Inn

Please watch the Video Inn Review at the end of this postYou could almost miss the Union St. Inn blending as it does with the  many...

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The Chaos of Travel: Who Can Help?

While it might have been a bit ambitious for PhosCusWright to call its recent Webinar, Chaos Calls: Philip Wolf Answers, that's exactly what they did. PhoCusWright, a leading travel market...

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Is Your Baby Safe Flying?

 It’s tortured reasoning.The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) position on mandatory child restraint systems (CRS) on planes is, that they’re not necessary.Child...

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Ferran Adrià Invites You to Dine at el Bulli

Whether you’re a passing foodie or a lover of fine gastronomy, you’ve probably heard of elBulli, the small eatery in central Spain that became the...

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VIP Chaperone Service Treats Visitors To New York Nightlife

It’s not every Monday night that a quirky Serbian bartender whisks you away in a chauffeured limo and introduces you to three of New York’s coolest cocktail bars. But then again,

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Selling The Acropolis -Travel Bargains in Greece

Shakespeare's play, Timon of Athens, tells the story of Timon, an extravagant Athenian nobleman spending his money wastefully, until his creditors show up and demand payment to cover his debts. Timon...

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Inn Review – Rabbit Hill Inn, Vermont – A Great Non-Family Family Inn!

The Rabbit Hill Inn in Lower Waterford, Vermont, right over the New Hampshire border, may not be kid receptive, kids meaning kids up to 14, but it’s still very family friendly, families being all...

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Happy Airports Make More Money

Happy airports make more money. It’s basic economics: happy airport customers spend more money in the airport’s retail shops than do unhappy ones.In fact, global marketing and information...

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