My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
My Minnesota..Make It Yours!

  My Minnesota..Make It Yours!

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Student Article
The 626

So what is the 626? The 626 generally covers the San Gabriel Valley area in Los Angeles, California which includes Arcadia, El Monte, Pasadena, West Covina, and my hometown, Monterey Park. This area...

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Student Article
What Brooklyn Has To Offer !

I live in the borough of Brooklyn in New York City, a city where all five boroughs are special in their own unique way. Like most boroughs Brooklyn contains diverse cultures and uplifting energy....

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Student Article
The City Under a Hill

Morgan Hill, California. Ever heard of it? Most people haven’t, considering the puzzling looks I always get from people when asked where I am from. My reply is always the same, “We...

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Student Article
Why Come to Chillicothe?

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Student Article
The Trip of a Lifetime

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Student Article
A Country of Contrasting Colors

Color. I am surrounded by a fantastic spectrum of vibrant hues that fill me with excitement. Even the downpour of rain that welcomed us couldn’t wash away the warmth of this town. The bus passed...

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Student Article
A Quaint Town for a Wary Traveler

Now, when most people think of a relaxing vacation, they usually think of places such as Florida, or the Caribbean. But might I ask, who thinks of a soothing summer holiday in such a small town as...

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Student Article
Fort Wayne–A Hidden Treasure

The city may be unknown to many, but it is expounding with adventure and fun! Always something to do...            ...

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