My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Deep in the Heart of Texas

Living in a place that is known around America is pretty crazy, but not everyone really knows a lot about Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Of course there are the stereotypes of everyone rides their horses...

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Student Article
Hometown Haven

     Yearning to visit a small, personable...

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Student Article
New Orleans: An Unexpected Cultural Experience

New Orleans is one of the most cultural and diverse cities of the South, attracting thousands of people every year for its flashy signs and colors along the traditional tourist corners of the French Quarter...

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Student Article
Trip to Trinidad & Tobago

My brother and I took advantage of our dual citizenship to visit my mother’s family in Trinidad and Tobago.  Beginning our journey in April we travelled all day before finally reaching...

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Student Article
The Great City of Oklahoma City by Kyara Little

The best places in the world to visit are often the small towns, cities that people have never heard of. Maybe it’s heard of, but not very popular. These places contain a ton of pride and love...

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Student Article
Hampton Roads: Where History and Beauty Unite.

In 1607, the British colonists founded the first successful American colony of Jamestown, in Virginia. Today, Jamestown is located near where I call home, Hampton Roads, Virginia. Hampton Road's...

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Student Article
The Diversity of Phoenix

The place is called Phoenix. It is the largest city and the capital of the state of Arizona, and it is also, the sixth most populous city on the U.S.A. Phoenix lies in the Sonoran Desert, which makes...

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Student Article
A Life in a Year

As I took my first few steps back on American territory, my eyes filled with tears of joy and my nose filled with the familiar smell of the freshly mopped airport floor. Within those few seconds,...

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Student Article
The Wonderful World of Belleville, Illinois

The place I identify with most is my hometown Belleville, Illinois. It’s a small town, so not many people know where it is, when people ask me where I live I usually say, “I live across...

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