Need someone to drive your car cross country? - My Family Travels

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  • #158615 Reply
    Chloe Carothers-Liske

    Hello, I am a 23 year old coming back from a year working abroad in Spain. I am looking to deliver a car from any city on the East coast between Boston and Washington DC to any city on the West Coast (Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Olympia etc.) Starting after September 27th. Will be happy to pay money for gas and I have a clean driving record. If anybody has any vehicle that they need delivered please let me know.

    Thank you,


    • #158802 Reply


      I would need my Toyota Corola (Year 2010 model) to be driven to Mukilteo WA (Zipcode 98275).
      Please reach me at 508-782-5827

    • #158654 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      We can help each other! I need my mini cooper to travel from 1 hour north of NYC to Los Angeles area at end of September!
      Pls email me at [email protected]

    • #158655 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      trying to contact you, you didn’t leave an email and I keep trying to post a reply, site not working.
      I need someone to drive from near NYC to LA area right when you are looking for.
      [email protected]

    • #158657 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      Just what I need, my mini needs to go from NY area to LA area. I’ll be glad to pay for gas etc
      [email protected]

    • #158658 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      Need my mini cooper to go from NY to LA area, timing works.
      [email protected]

    • #158661 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      Are you still interested in this? I need my mini cooper to go from NY to CA at end of Sept. dm’d you on fb bec this site barely works.
      [email protected]

  • #158334 Reply
    Dolilla Doroshchuk

    Hello, I am from Salem, OR but now live in Dallas, TX area. Looking to drive from PORTLAND, OR (or close to Portland) to Dallas, TX (or close to DFW metroplex). Leaving Portland around 9/4 or early 9/5 and arrive to DFW by 9/7 {planning to stop to sleep at night}. I’m a very dependable driver, with a clean driving record. I’ve made the drive a few times with my own car, so comfortable with the distance and terrain. Please reach out to see if we can help each other out! [email protected]

  • #158321 Reply
    Ben Crosby

    Do you need your car or truck driven from Vermont to Southern CA? I would like to drive your vehicle at no cost except gas expenses. I would like to make this trip at the end of November. [email protected]

    • #158622 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      Been trying to respond to Ben, doesn’t seem to post. Interested in contacting you re driving from east coast to west.

      [email protected]

    • #158617 Reply
      Debby Kleinberg

      Hi Ben,

      Sent you an email. I am moving from Yorktown Hts, NY to outside LA and have a mini cooper convertible I am deciding whether to bring. Would love to discuss possibility with you.

      [email protected]

  • #157863 Reply
    Lucas Isakowitz

    I have a 2014 Subaru Forester that needs to be driven from Jackson Hole Wyoming to East Coast (New York; Philadelphia; New Haven). Will cover expenses (gas and lodging). Anytime from now until October. Please email me if interested: [email protected]

  • #157377 Reply

    I am looking for people who can drive my Honda Accord from the Denver, CO area to the Nashville, TN area. Preferrably in early September. Dates and Locations can be worked with you. If you are interested, let me know. My email address is [email protected]. Diane.

  • #157103 Reply
    Anna Mendoza

    Hey there!
    My name is Annabelle. I’m currently located in the Houston, TX area; however I am relocating at the end of August to Santa Barbara, CA for a job. I am not flexible on the dates with this drive as I need to be there by Sept. 1st, 2021 which I believe is a Wednesday, so the leave date would be the very last days of August.
    I will be taking my dog who is a 12 year old Boston Terrier and some of my belongings with me for the move in my own Toyota Tacoma.

    Looking for someone who can help drive that way or who is already going that way that needs a ride. I have a vestibular disorder that makes it hard to do a 24 hour drive by myself.

    If anyone is available or thinks they can be of assistance, please contact me as soon as possible at:

    [email protected]

    • #157597 Reply
      Hilary Friedman

      Looking to drive someone’s car from anywhere in the state of Oregon to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or to the Chicago area at the end of August or early September. I have a clean driving record and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you!

    • #157598 Reply
      Hilary Friedman

      Looking to drive someone’s car from anywhere in the state of Oregon to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or to the Chicago area at the end of August or early September. I have a clean driving record and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact me at 4(one)4-791-0709 or hilary_friedman(at symbol) Thank you!

    • #157199 Reply
      Savanah Garcia


      I am a recent graduate and will be moving back home to California. I am looking for a car to drive to anywhere from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I will be bringing a few of my own items, like a few suitcases, pillows, and small bags. I hope to leave sometime on or after the 25 of August and travel to whatever necessary destination within 6-10 days of departure. I am an experienced driver of 7 years with no history of tickets, accidents, or anything else. I am used to long drives ranging anywhere from 8-16 hour drives and I am open to negotiate any type of price.

      Please let me know and contact me at [email protected].

  • #157111 Reply

    Hi there!

    I’m relocating, and I’m looking for someone to drive my car from the Boston area to Madison, WI sometime between now and the end of August. Start date would be flexible. Car has under 75k miles and I’d be happy to pay for gas.

    Let me know if you’re interested!


  • #157048 Reply

    Hi there!

    I am looking for someone to drive my car from Seattle, WA to Los Angeles, CA sometime in August (whatever works best for you!). If you are interested, please reach out to me via email with your rates and availability!
    My email is: [email protected]
    Thank you so much!

    • #157076 Reply

      Hi! I’m a recent graduate moving from Los Angeles back to the New England area at the end of August 2021, and am looking to help drive someone’s car across the country. I already made the drive once from NY to LA back in January 2021, but am heading back now! I could drive from LA to Philadelphia, New York, or Boston. Would love to discuss details if this sounds like something that could help you out. I have a perfect driving record and am maybe looking for a slightly larger vehicle size to include my stuff, plus what I am used to driving but can drive any size vehicle.

      • #157157 Reply
        Cynthia Meyers

        Hi Ellie,
        We might need someone to drive a car from CA to NY around the end of August. How can we get in contact?

        • #157704 Reply
          Harry Winer

          I need someone to drive our 2015 Lexus NX 300H from Los Angeles to New York City the week of Aug. 30. We have a 14 year old Australian Shepherd Mini that needs to hitch a ride as well. All expenses paid. Please get in touch via email.


          • #158711 Reply
            Toni R Soliz

            My name is Toni and I am a retired soccer mom of 3 amazing grown up women who have very busy lives and that leaves me with too much time on my hands.
            I have been an excellent driver for 35 years with a clean DMV record and have never had an accident.
            I have a list of references if needed and California drivers license that doesn’t expire untill 2026.
            I am in California, and I’m willing to drive your vehicle to the East Coast New York/Jersey I would like to leave by Tuesday the 31st of August.

          • #157833 Reply

            Hi Harry,
            You didn’t leave your email, but I am looking to drive to the Boston area with some boxes around that time, so NYC could work for me. If you are still looking for someone, please feel free to reach out to me at dkennedy2217[at]comcast[dot]net with the details. Thanks!

          • #157738 Reply


            Happy to discuss this drive. Please email me @ my email address below.


            [email protected]

        • #157335 Reply
          Eliana Rich

          Hi Cynthia!

          So sorry I didn’t provide any contact info originally. I had made a second post correcting it shorty after!

          You can either email me at [email protected], or text me at (339)2226188!

          Would love to hear back.

        • #157336 Reply
          Eliana Rich

          Hi Cynthia!

          So sorry I didn’t provide any contact info originally. I had made a second post correcting it shorty after!

          You can either email me at [email protected], or text me at (339)2226188!

          Would love to hear back.

        • #157269 Reply
          Matt Mendoza

          Hi Cynthia,

          If you are still looking for someone to drive your car from CA to NY by the end of August, I am looking for a car to drive. I have made the cross country drive several times already, so I am experienced with the drive. If I can in fact help, you can contact me through call or text at (408) 981-1353. Thanks!

        • #157229 Reply
          Mark Dougherty

          Hi Cynthia.
          My name is Mark Dougherty and I do long distance driving. I charge $10 an hour driving time based on Google maps going from Point A to Point B. So to figure my driving cost put you starting location and then put your destination in the second part. Here is a link for Google maps:
          When you open the link you will see Search Google Maps just hit the blue diamond with the right turn arrow and you will see the places to put your starting and ending locations. I just put in NY for starting location and California for ending location an it came up with two different routes. I-40 takes 43 hours and I-80 takes 44 hours. When you had both the starting and ending locations it most likely increase the number of hours to drive for the whole trip. So for an example if I was to drive your vehicle from NY to Ca and I took I40 and it take 43 hours my driving cost is $430 plus expenses.
          Expenses are:
          Driving $430
          Meals $40 per day
          Motels $100+/- per night
          $60 for my wife to take me to the airport and pick me up on my return.
          Two plane tickets, one from San Diego to NY and one from your final destination in CA. If you are moving to LA I would stop at my home in Lakeside, Ca and have my wife follow me too your location in LA, and I would charge $100 to cover wear and tare on my car. Also depending on arrival time is LA I might be able to take the bus or train back to San Diego, then it would be only the cost of the train/bus ticket.
          I would need two checked bags one for each plane ticket.
          I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of the plane ticket, I ask that you put them on your credit card.
          I have a scheduled trip going from Newark, NJ to San Diego/Walnut, CA on Aug 24th and I should be home on Aug 29 so if you hold off until Aug 30th or 31st I would be able to do your trip, I just need one day to get myself ready for the next trip.
          I have references.
          This link will take you too a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:

          My cell phone is 619-993-6577 my email is [email protected]
          Mark Dougherty

        • #157230 Reply
          Mark Dougherty

          I noticed I made a mistake when I typed all this out. I first thought it was NY to CA and then I noticed it was the opposite. So starting from CA is lot easier than starting from NY, less time getting to locations in CA.
          Hi Cynthia.
          My name is Mark Dougherty and I do long distance driving. I charge $10 an hour driving time based on Google maps going from Point A to Point B. So to figure my driving cost put you starting location and then put your destination in the second part. Here is a link for Google maps:
          When you open the link you will see Search Google Maps just hit the blue diamond with the right turn arrow and you will see the places to put your starting and ending locations. I just put in NY for starting location and California for ending location an it came up with two different routes. I-40 takes 43 hours and I-80 takes 44 hours. When you had both the starting and ending locations it most likely increase the number of hours to drive for the whole trip. So for an example if I was to drive your vehicle from NY to Ca and I took I40 and it take 43 hours my driving cost is $430 plus expenses.
          Expenses are:
          Driving $430
          Meals $40 per day
          Motels $100+/- per night
          $60 for my wife to take me to the airport and pick me up on my return.
          Two plane tickets, one from San Diego to NY and one from your final destination in CA. If you are moving to LA I would stop at my home in Lakeside, Ca and have my wife follow me too your location in LA, and I would charge $100 to cover wear and tare on my car. Also depending on arrival time is LA I might be able to take the bus or train back to San Diego, then it would be only the cost of the train/bus ticket.
          I would need two checked bags one for each plane ticket.
          I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of the plane ticket, I ask that you put them on your credit card.
          I have a scheduled trip going from Newark, NJ to San Diego/Walnut, CA on Aug 24th and I should be home on Aug 29 so if you hold off until Aug 30th or 31st I would be able to do your trip, I just need one day to get myself ready for the next trip.
          I have references.
          This link will take you too a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:

          My cell phone is 619-993-6577 my email is [email protected]
          Mark Dougherty

        • #157240 Reply

          Hi Cynthia,

          Where in CA do you need your car driven from? I am looking to drive back east from Las Vegas to Boston area with some boxes at the end of the month, so this might work for me! Please feel free to contact me at dkennedy2217[at]comcast[dot]net if you would you like to discuss further, thanks!

          • #163557 Reply

            My wife and I will drive your late model car / truck from Pittsburgh to Denver December 30th. Mature responsible great credentials/references. We are avoiding airlines because of COVID,
            [email protected]

        • #157252 Reply
          Mark Dougherty

          Hi Cynthia.
          My name is Mark Dougherty and I do long distance driving. I charge $10 an hour driving time based on Google maps going from Point A to Point B. So to figure my driving cost put you starting location and then put your destination in the second part. Here is a link for Google maps:
          When you open the link you will see Search Google Maps just hit the blue diamond with the right turn arrow and you will see the places to put your starting and ending locations. I just put in NY for starting location and California for ending location an it came up with two different routes. I-40 takes 43 hours and I-80 takes 44 hours. When you had both the starting and ending locations it most likely increase the number of hours to drive for the whole trip. So for an example if I was to drive your vehicle from NY to Ca and I took I40 and it take 43 hours my driving cost is $430 plus expenses.
          Expenses are:
          Driving $430
          Meals $40 per day
          Motels $100+/- per night
          $60 for my wife to take me to the airport and pick me up on my return.
          Two plane tickets, one from San Diego to NY and one from your final destination in CA. If you are moving to LA I would stop at my home in Lakeside, Ca and have my wife follow me too your location in LA, and I would charge $100 to cover wear and tare on my car. Also depending on arrival time is LA I might be able to take the bus or train back to San Diego, then it would be only the cost of the train/bus ticket.
          I would need two checked bags one for each plane ticket.
          I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of the plane ticket, I ask that you put them on your credit card.
          I have a scheduled trip going from Newark, NJ to San Diego/Walnut, CA on Aug 24th and I should be home on Aug 29 so if you hold off until Aug 30th or 31st I would be able to do your trip, I just need one day to get myself ready for the next trip.
          I have references.
          This link will take you too a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:

          My cell phone is 619-993-6577 my email is [email protected]
          Mark Dougherty

  • #157020 Reply

    I am looking for someone who needs to have a car driven to the Kansas City area anytime before the end of September. I have a Southwest travel voucher that I must spend before the end of September and I would enjoy the experience of flying somewhere and driving back home. I enjoy long road trips and would love the opportunity to possibly see more of the country. I have a clean and safe driving record of more than 3 decades.
    Contact me at [email protected]

  • #156830 Reply
    David Olson

    Hi, I need someone to drive my 2018 Kia Sportage with all safety features and new tires from Boston to Los Angeles in August. I’d like the car to arrive in LA sometime after August 20th. I’m flexible about when it leaves Boston. Please email me if interested: [email protected].

    • #156921 Reply
      Liam Klem


      My girlfriend and myself are looking to drive from the east coast to the west coast in September. We would pay the gas ourselves and would ask for no money we just want to be flexible on the date of arrival (around 10 days after departure from the east coast). The destination can be anywhere in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Washington state, New Mexico, Oregon or Colorado. We have experience on long distance drives.

      [email protected]

      • #157443 Reply
        John Benmoshe

        Hi Liam I have a Hyundai Santa Fe in Paramus NJ that I would like to bring over to San Diego where I live. I am totally flexible as far as time. You can take as long as you want. Please let me know if that interests you. Thank John

        • #159745 Reply

          Hi John, if that’s still relevant I’ll be available to transfer your car anytime soon, I’m 24 and drive safely, never had an accident and love long drives. I’m not expecting payment, I’m just looking for a way to travel between the coasts.
          My email is [email protected]

  • #156813 Reply

    I am looking to drive from Southern CA to Boston between October 10 and October 14. I would be happy to drive someone’s car that needs their vehicle moved from Southern CA to Northeast (I can get to Boston from other parts of Northeast). I am not looking to get paid for my time; owner only pays expenses.

    I have 37 years of driving with no tickets and no accidents. I am a non-smoking, professional person. Happy to provide references. If I might be able to help you out, please send an email message to [email protected] with “Car Trip” in the subject line. We can then open up communications to see if something will work out.


    • #157626 Reply
      J. McNeal

      Hi John,

      I may be interested if you are not able to work out the details with Liam. Please feel free to email me if you would be interested discussing further.

      J. McNeal

  • #156637 Reply
    Hillary Fen

    Hi all — do you need a car driven from Virginia/DC/Maryland/North Carolina/New York/close-by to ALASKA in mid-August 2021? I’m Hillary and I have a clean driving record – and have driven 10+ family/friend vehicles and 20+ rental vehicles with ZERO problems over the past 5 years. Wouldn’t charge for the transport but would love to work something out with gas. Ideally, I could drop the car off in Haines, Alaska (or Juneau) but I’m very flexible. Let me know — email me at [email protected] — looking forward to getting your car (and possessions, if need be!) there safely and securely.

  • #156528 Reply

    Hi – I’m looking for someone to drive my 2008 Toyota Tacoma from New York City area to Seattle, WA in mid-September. Specific dates are flexible. Please let me know if you are interested.


    • #158535 Reply
      Hannah Lee

      Hi Lilia! My boyfriend and I (both of us with clean driving records) would be more than happy to drive your car for you for free and we would pay for gas. We are looking to get from the East Coast to Seattle around the same time in order to visit my Grandma.

      My email is [email protected]. Please let me know if you still need someone 🙂

    • #157281 Reply
      Eden Arielle

      Hi Lilia, do you still need someone to drive your car cross-country in mid-September? I’m a recent graduate with a perfect driving record and would be happy to do the job for free. Feel free to email me at [email protected].

    • #156943 Reply

      Hi Lilia,

      Happy to give you a quote.


      [email protected]

    • #156919 Reply
      Niki Manea

      Hello, we are two young adults working in NYC for the summer. We would like to help you with getting your car to Seattle. We could pick up your car in NYC around the 17th of September.

      We are very responsible people and have experience with long-distance driving in the United States.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      Niki and Liam

    • #156673 Reply

      My wife and I would be glad to do this for you. Please contact me at my direct email for a confidential QUOTE

      [email protected]

    • #156611 Reply

      Looking from someone to drive my Chrysler Pacifica Minivan from Indianapolis to Salt Lake City. Let me know

      • #156667 Reply
        Mark Dougherty

        Hi Steve.
        My name is Mark Dougherty. I am a long distance driver. I use Google map to determine the cost from Point A to Point B. According to Google it is a 22 hour trip, so my driving cost is $220 plus expenses.
        Expenses are:
        Driving $220
        Meals $40 per day x 3=$120
        Motels $100+/- per night x 2=$200+/-
        Plane tickets, 1 to Indianapolis from San Diego and return to San Diego from SLC, plus one checked bag for each flight
        $60 for my wife to take me to the airport and pick me up on my return
        This link will take you to a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:
        My cell is 619-993-6577 My email is [email protected]
        I have references.
        Mark Dougherty

      • #156672 Reply

        When do you need this done??

        Please reply to my direct email for further discussion.

        [email protected]

    • #156624 Reply
      Michael Kelly

      Hi Lilia,

      If you’re open to having the car driven a bit earlier I’d like to try and help you out! I posted a week or so ago on this forum with all my info which I copied and pasted below:

      My name is Michael (he/him, 24 yrs), I’m relocating coast to coast (East to West) after landing my dream job, and I’m hoping to avoid huge rental car/moving company fees! I’m looking to hopefully drive someone’s vehicle from the NYC/Tri-State area to the Portland/Willamette Valley region in Oregon, (open to flexible pick-up/delivery locations). I’d be bringing my stuff with me, (single guy, no furniture , just some boxes, bags, and totes!), and I’d have a partner to do it with me, (she could potentially pick up the vehicle if it is in the Boston or surrounding New England area), and I’d be going the 2nd week of August.

      -Clean driving record
      -4 years of long-distance driving experience
      -No bulk fee necessary just some negotiable expenses
      -References and NYSDOE background check filing available on request

      Please message me if I could help you out along these parameters: [email protected]
      Thank you!

      • #158816 Reply

        Hi I have a Toyota Corola (Year 2010) to be driven to west (zipcode 98275- closer to Seattle). Please reach me at [email protected]


    • #156625 Reply
      Michael Kelly

      Hi Lilia!

      If you’re open to the car being driven out there a bit early I’d like to try and help you out. I posted on this forum a week or so ago with all my info, which I’ve copied and pasted below:

      My name is Michael (he/him, 24 yrs), I’m relocating coast to coast (East to West) after landing my dream job, and I’m hoping to avoid huge rental car/moving company fees! I’m looking to hopefully drive someone’s vehicle from the NYC/Tri-State area to the Portland/Willamette Valley region in Oregon, (open to flexible pick-up/delivery locations). I’d be bringing my stuff with me, (single guy, no furniture , just some boxes, bags, and totes!), and I’d have a partner to do it with me, (she could potentially pick up the vehicle if it is in the Boston or surrounding New England area), and I’d be going the 2nd week of August.

      -Clean driving record
      -4 years of long-distance driving experience
      -No bulk fee necessary just some negotiable expenses
      -References and NYSDOE background check filing available on request

      Please message me if I could help you out along these parameters: [email protected]
      Thank you!

    • #156564 Reply
      Mark Dougherty

      Hi Lilia.
      My name is Mark Dougherty. I am a driver and I would like to drive your from New York to Seattle in September. I charge $10 an hour driving time based on Google Maps. It is a 42 hour drive so my driving cost is $420 plus expenses.
      Expenses are:
      Driving $420
      Meals $40 per day
      Motels $100+/-per night
      Plane tickets from San Diego to NY and Seattle to San Diego
      $60 for my wife to drive me to the airport and pick me up on my return
      Driving this far north across the states it might take longer due to the chance of winter weather.
      I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of plane tickets, I ask that you put them on your credit card.
      This link will lead you to a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:
      Have you ever driven across country? Would you consider me driving you so you can see what I will be seeing. You can stop anywhere if you want too sight see, this is just an idea for you if you have never driven cross country.
      My cell number is 619-993-6577 My email [email protected]
      Mark Dougherty

    • #156567 Reply
      Mark Dougherty

      Hi Lilia.
      My name is Mark Dougherty. I am a driver and I would like to drive your from New York to Seattle in September. I charge $10 an hour driving time based on Google Maps. It is a 42 hour drive so my driving cost is $420 plus expenses.
      Expenses are:
      Driving $420
      Meals $40 per day
      Motels $100+/-per night
      Plane tickets from San Diego to NY and Seattle to San Diego
      $60 for my wife to drive me to the airport and pick me up on my return
      Driving this far north across the states it might take longer due to the chance of winter weather.
      I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of plane tickets, I ask that you put them on your credit card.
      This link will lead you to a story that was written about me and other drivers like myself:
      Have you ever driven across country? Would you consider me driving you so you can see what I will be seeing. You can stop anywhere if you want too sight see, this is just an idea for you if you have never driven cross country.
      My cell number is 619-993-6577 My email [email protected]
      Mark Dougherty

  • #156368 Reply

    Looking for someone to drive my 2004 Grand Marquis from Colorado Springs, CO to Tampa, FL on or around September 30th.

    Text 812-618-2244.

    • #156465 Reply
      Nat H

      Hi, I’m looking to drive from Boston or NYC cross-country from August 18th and would be happy to drive your car to Portland/Washington State/CA. Email: [email protected]

      • #158554 Reply

        Do you need your vehicle driven from SlC area to the Washington DC or VA Area in September. If you do contact me. Retired transportation business owner looking for a side gig. Reasonable rate and if needed will transport your pets.

  • #156335 Reply
    Celia Neustadt

    Hi All:
    Looking for someone to drive a Hyundai Elantra from Baltimore to LA. Leaving sometime after August 3, arriving before end of September.

    Need a responsible driver, not looking to put too many extra miles on the car. We’ll have the car all tuned up and can help with travel expenses.

    [email protected] if interested

  • #156254 Reply
    Clarence Gaines

    My son and his girlfriend will be traveling from the Los Angeles area to the East Coast on August 1. Can deliver your car to an East Coast location by mid-August. Contact me if interested. Very responsible young adults.

    • #157077 Reply
      Eliana Rich

      Hi everyone! I am moving at the end of August back to the east coast from Los Angeles, and would love to help drive someone’s car from west to east, as it would also really help me out too. I already made the drive out once from NY to LA back in January, but am now heading back and would love to find maybe even a larger sized vehicle to fit a bit of my stuff to make the move. Either the Philadelphia, Boston, or New York area is all good and works for me at the moment! Would love to connect and discuss further details at [email protected] if this sounds like a good fit.

    • #156485 Reply
      Alex Machina

      Hi Celia,

      I have family in Los Angeles and would like to drive your car there. Please contact me at [email protected]

    • #156288 Reply
      Annie F

      Hi everyone,
      My friend and I are looking to drive cross-country at some point in August from east to west. We are located in the Boston area but are flexible in terms of where the pickup might be as well as the drop-off. Please email me if you are looking for drivers and think this could work. We are very flexible with the details!

      email: [email protected]

  • #156211 Reply

    Hi all,

    I’m a postdoc at Berkeley lab that’s starting a new job in North Carolina beginning of August. I’m looking to drive cross country with my dad in the next couple weeks, so if anyone needs a car driven to the east coast let me know. Apologies in advance for the short notice.


    • #156917 Reply

      Hi Joseph,
      I need to get a Honda CRV to Fayetteville, have you already found a car to drive?

  • #156214 Reply
    Alden Schneider

    Hi all! I am moving from San Diego, CA to Austin, TX at the end of July/early August and am looking for a second car to fit more of my stuff. I am flexible with pickup and drop off locations so anything within southern California to Dallas / DFW / Austin / Houston region. If you are needing someone to drive out your car from CA to TX, please reach out to me at @[email protected] and we can coordinate something!

  • #156216 Reply
    Alden Schneider

    Hi all! I am moving from San Diego, CA to Austin, TX soon and looking for a vehicle to drive out so I can bring some more of my stuff. I am flexible with pickup and drop off location so anything within southern California going to Dallas / DFW / Fort Worth / Austin / Houston / etc. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are needing your car driven from California to Texas in the next few weeks!

  • #156253 Reply
    Michael Kelly

    Hello all!

    My name is Michael (he/him, 24 yrs), I’m relocating coast to coast (East to West) after landing my dream job, and I’m hoping to avoid huge rental car/moving company fees! I’m looking to hopefully drive someone’s vehicle from the NYC/Tri-State area to the Portland/Willamette Valley region in Oregon, (open to flexible pick-up/delivery locations). I’d be bringing my stuff with me, (single guy, no furniture , just some boxes, bags, and totes!), and I’d be have a partner to do it with me, (she could potentially pick up the vehicle if it is in the Boston or surrounding New England area), and I’d be going the 2nd week of August.

    -Clean driving record
    -4 years of long-distance driving experience
    -No bulk fee necessary just some negotiable expenses
    -References and NYSDOE background check filing available on request

    Please message me if I could help you out along these parameters: [email protected]
    Thank you!

  • #156071 Reply
    Paul H

    Looking for someone to drive my car from Greenville, NC to Los Angeles, CA.
    Ready for pickup in NC last week of July. (Flexible)
    Auto arriving in LA on 31July or 1 August.

    2004 Subaru Outback
    Good AC
    Cargo area and backseat area will be loaded with moving boxes.

    Please email with your thoughts on timeframe and rate,

    [email protected]

    • #157074 Reply
      Jody Lee

      Hi Paul,

      I am an experienced driver with references etc, available to drive your car to Los Angeles if you are still looking for someone. Please email, call or text (310) 913-4164.

      Thank you,

    • #156206 Reply
      Tom Stallings

      I am moving my daughter to Michigan for school and drive to Detroit or Ann Arbor if someone wants a car moved. Just want to spend a few days with my daughter before she goes to school, get her regular and winter clothes to school but not miss too much work. In a perfect world, would love a one way drive and fly back option would be idea. Does anyone need a car driven from Houston to Detroit?

    • #156185 Reply
      hariklia stamolis

      we can drive to vehicle from Seattle to New York around November for free
      looking for reliable car.

    • #156104 Reply
      Megan Bentley

      Hi, I am a very responsible driver and would like to help you out in driving your car from Key West,FL or Miami,FL (or surrounding area) to Philadelphia,PA or surrounding area at no driving cost with the exception being the gas paid for, from point A to B. Date: 08/06/2021 – 08/10/2021.

      If you are interested, feel free to reach out and we can discuss the trip in further detail.

      NUMBER: 847 460 8406

      EMAIL: [email protected]

  • #156016 Reply
    Adam T


    I am a 28 year old graduate student who is looking to drive across the country for the experience. I am available between August 8 and September 4th. I am very responsible and have some time before classes. I will pay for gas and not charge anything. I can go from the east coast to the west or vice versa. I simply do not want to pay to rent a car so hopefully this is a win-win for both of us!


    • #156385 Reply

      Hi Adam,
      I need a driver to get my car from the Washington DC area to San Diego, CA in August.Let me know if you are still available.


    • #156241 Reply
      Landon Marie Moores


      I am looking to have a 2015 Subaru Forester driven from Idaho to Knoxville, TN sometime in the month of August. Please reach out if interested. [email protected]

      Thanks 🙂

    • #156064 Reply

      Hey there — I am also a 28 year old grad student and I am interested in having someone drive my car from the bay area to Nashville, TN in early / mid August.

      • #156186 Reply
        Rich Hargrave

        Zach, Hey there! I’d like to do that trip. I came to LA 22 years ago via the I-40 from Nashville, and did it in under 4 days. I’m in LA now so let me know what expenses are included, if any, and all other details and timelines. Thanks.
        [email protected]

        Hey there — I am also a 28 year old grad student and I am interested in having someone drive my car from the bay area to Nashville, TN in early / mid August.

  • #156006 Reply
    Rich Hargrave


  • #155812 Reply
    Barbara Wireman

    We need a 2015 Lexus RX driven to Dayton, OH ASAP. I had someone but he canceled, the SUV is located in Hampton VA right now
    Please advise if available. A text will be best (614) 636-2655. Email is [email protected]
    Many thx

  • #155762 Reply

    Hi there!

    I am looking for someone to drive my car from Portland, OR to Austin, TX either the first or second weekend of August (whatever works best for you!). If you are interested, please reach out to me via email with your rates and availability!

    My email is: [email protected]

    Thank you so much!

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