Need someone to drive your car cross country? - My Family Travels

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  • #96583 Reply
    Andre’ Allenberg

    Please call Andre’ asap. We have a Toyota Highlander that needs to be driven from Palm Springs to Bellingham, Washington.

    Contact info 323-839-6559

  • #96372 Reply

    Need a truck driver to drive a 20′ truck in addition to towing my car from Dallas, TX to Concord, CA (Bay area)
    Need to arrive at destination on the 7th of June 2019.
    Please send me your quote at [email protected]


  • #96166 Reply

    SHORT NOTICE !!!! I am driving a 6 passenger flatbed truck from Houston Texas to Salt Lake City leaving Saturday 5/25/2019 afternoon. I can haul up to two pallets of goods and or pull a trailer or ride share with several clean no issues persons willing to share the travel costs. Please email me ASAP to arrange I can go through Pheonix AZ or Denver CO on the way back (not both).

  • #96003 Reply
    Daniel K OBrien

    Hi, I’m interested in finding someone willing to drive my BMW 328i from Seattle to Ocean City, MD in mid June. Let me know if anyone interested?

    • #96171 Reply

      Hi, I drive vehicles across the country for a living also. Contact me if you’d like a second quote.

      [email protected]

    • #96102 Reply

      Hi, I drive and transport vehicles for a living and am available. Shoot me an email if you would like to discuss further [email protected]

      • #100118 Reply
        Shawn Gregory

        Hi Daniel,

        If you have not found someone yet, Id be willing to drive your car in early July. Ill be in Seattle already. Just covering gas would work for me.



        feel free to email me [email protected]

  • #95437 Reply
    Jay J Fernandez

    Need someone to drive my 2019 Chevy Suburban towing a 12 foot Uhaul full of furniture from Boston suburbs to Irvine suburbs in mid to late July. Possibly my two dogs as well. Email me if you are interested. [email protected]

  • #95136 Reply
    k rh

    I need my automatic subaru forester driven from Massachusetts/New England area to Oregon (Bend, central oregon) by the first week of June ideally. Anyone interested or available? Must have references and clean driving record, willing to pay a reasonable amount. Will consider well behaved pets.

    • #96697 Reply

      Hi there,

      If you still need a driver, I would be happy to help. Is there an email I can contact you at?

    • #95271 Reply

      Hi I saw your post, I drive for a living…I recently drove a client’s Honda Civic manual transmission from California to Connecticut. I also drove another clients car, Nissan Altima, from Mississippi to California a few days later. This was in April 2019, last month. I have references and a perfect driving record, no tickets or moving violations of any kind. Feel free to email me and we can exchange contact information.
      [email protected]

      Emanuel (Manny) H.

  • #95028 Reply
    Kamran Anwarzay

    I need someone to drive my car from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected]


  • #94998 Reply
    Tricia Coates

    We are in need of a driver to take a rental truck towing a trailer from Atlanta to Escondido May 15 (date may be flexible for earlier or later departure date). I can be reached at 209-662-2197 for details

  • #94850 Reply

    I am going from San Diego to New YorK City in late July or early August. If anyone needs a car driven from Southern California to NYC around that time maybe we can work something out?

  • #94799 Reply
    Josh M

    We have a relatively new 2019 VW Jetta SE that we need to move from McLean Virginia (DC area) to Denver, Colorado. You can deliver to a residential address or leave at Denver Airport. Pick up anytime from 10 May 2019 to 20 June 2019 and OK to take time en-route if you want to see the country. Fuel-efficient car with 35-40 mpg highway. I’ll cover a full tank to start.

    Please email me at [email protected] if you’re interested.

  • #94449 Reply
    Scott Les

    Looking to drive a road-worthy vehicle from Charlotte, NC area to Denver, CO. Would like to be in CO by May 6th – I can pay my own expenses. I have driven almost every type of vehicle except an 18-wheeler.

  • #93979 Reply
    Jim Carlton

    I would be available to drive someone’s car from the Kansas City area to the San Francisco Bay Area the week of Aug. 4. I can pay my own room and board expenses, but need room in the car to move a few boxes and other belongings. Clean driving record, decades of experience.

  • #92817 Reply
    Michael McCartney

    Looking to drive a car from the Denver/Aspen area of Colorado back to the NY/NJ area in mid-June. Is anyone in need of this service? I would also be a passenger/company for someone making the trip and looking not to go alone. I am 62, have a great driving record, can drive manual or automatic. Please contact me if you have or know of anyone needing this service. Contact me at; [email protected]. thanks and have a great day, Michel

    The email again is: [email protected]

  • #92812 Reply
    Michael McCartney

    Good day all, I am trying to connect with someone who would like to have either their car driven or as a passenger, from the Aspen – Denver Colorado area to the NY/NJ area in mid-June. Specifically, June 14-17 would be ideal. I am 62, have a great driving record, can drive manual or automatic. Would like to be compensated gas, motel stay (2-nights/maybe 3-nights), and some meals. Please contact me at [email protected] If you don’t have a need but know of other options for me, I’d greatly appreciate the advice. Thanks for any comments or help you can provide. Michael
    Again, the email is [email protected]

  • #91751 Reply
    Robyn Quinn-Hakeem

    Hey, trying to drive your vehicle from the Poconos or Philadelphia or anywhere in between to the Atlanta area (or anywhere close). I’m 39, no children, do not smoke, and do not require an hourly rate. Seasoned Uber driver and delivery/courier driver with great driving record

    I only want to be compensated for a 1 night stay, gas, food, and anything car related. My email is [email protected] as I have no idea how else for you to get back in touch with me.

  • #91752 Reply
    Robyn Quinn-Hakeem

    Hey, trying to drive your vehicle from the Poconos or Philadelphia or anywhere in between to the Atlanta area (or anywhere close). I’m 39, no children, do not smoke, and do not require an hourly rate. Seasoned Uber driver and delivery/courier driver with great driving record.

    I only want to be compensated for a 1 night stay, gas, food, and anything car related. My email is [email protected] as I have no idea how else for you to get back in touch with me.

  • #91597 Reply
    Rachel Comi

    Hi, I am looking to go from East Coast (Ocean Springs, Mississippi) to West Coast (Los Angeles, California). I am willing to do neighboring cities as well I just need to get to California as soon as anything is available. We can talk about money because I need to be able to get out there.

    I can go from anywhere from Mobile, Alabama to New Orleans, Louisana

    I would be able to deliver anywhere from Bakersfield,California to Palm Springs, California.

    Open for anything really. Hope someone has something.

  • #91266 Reply
    Edward McConnon

    Looking for someone to drive small dodge Dakota pickup to upper peninsula of Michigan from Watford city North Dakota, I have two trucks in Watford and I plan on leaving april 25th

  • #90994 Reply
    Adam Webster

    HI – we have two cars that need to go from Alameda, CA to Portsmouth, NH.

    2 x 2003 Jetta TDI wagons (excellent maintenance to aircraft standards!)

    Airfare and fuel included. We also seek an RV to put 2 kids, 2 adults and 2 dogs in to make the trip east – whilst we enjoy someone’s RV!

    Any possible helpers please contact me at [email protected] or text me at 617 901 3245

    • #92449 Reply

      Hi Adam,

      I read your post about needing a driver for your Jetta or Jetta’s. My name is Emanuel, Manny for short. I’ve been driving professionally for almost 3 years. I have my own ride share company and usually take people from point A to point B, however, lately I’ve been driving vehicles across the country. I have an EXCELLENT driving record!

      Three weeks ago I drove a manual Honda Civic from California to Connecticut and last week I drove a Nissan Altima to Mississippi and another Altima from Mississippi to California. I just returned last night and find that I LOVE being on the open roads.

      If you still need someone to drive your Jetta to NH, I would be interested.

      Please respond by email and then we can text by Friday, April 19th, My phone has decided to die on this last trip and I need to get another one today. So, I am unable to receive texts at the moment. 951-490-8410, I’ll port this number into my new phone. It should be ready by later today or tomorrow.

      Thank you again, I look forward to hearing from you!

  • #89695 Reply
    Kathleen Lemly

    Will pay for gas and a bonus for someone to drive 2008 Rav 4 from Washington DC or NOVA to Washington State, Seattle, WA, or Portland, Oregon. Pick up Date: May 12-15. Delivery Date: No later than May 25th, 2019. Is being driven regularly and will have complete checkup with mechanic in May prior to trip.
    Thanks, K. Lemly

    • #94967 Reply
      Sarah Smith

      Hi! I’m willing to drive your car. However, I am available in June. I can get the car and deliver it by June 23 or so. Let me know if you’re still interested.

  • #89101 Reply

    Hello all,

    I’m looking for someone to drive my 1997 Toyota Corolla from the Bay area in CA to Brewster, NY or Danbury, CT- about an hour north of NYC. The car runs great, just had a maintenance, and is manual transmission. I cannot cover the cost of motels or gas, but I will provide compensation that we agree on. The dates are very flexible, but I’d ideally like to have my car here within a month or two. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thank you!

    • #90200 Reply
      Gene Thompson & Ellen Koivisto

      Dear Tessa,

      My wife and I are looking to drive a car from SF Bay Area (or close) to NY (or close) arriving NY around June 27 (for the birth of our 1st grandchild!) Does it work?


      • #96067 Reply
        Amy Easland

        Gene, are you and your wife still looking for a vehicle to drive from Bay Area to NY area in June?
        I’m considering having someone drive my Honda CR-V from San Francisco to New England (Boston is preferable) in mid-June, if you’re flexible at all. You can email me directly at [email protected]. Thanks! Amy

  • #88732 Reply
    Quinn Nguyen

    Looking for a driver to drive a 2014 Volkswagen Jetta in good condition from San Francisco to the Southeast (either Atlanta or Spartanburg in South Carolina). The drop location depends on when the drive is completed (Spartanburg if trip is completed before April 20 and Atlanta if trip is completed after April 20).

    This is a 37 hour drive and I will pay for 3 nights hotel accommodation, you can pick the cities you want to stop at (lots of cool cities along the way).

    My timing is flexible. You can leave as early as this Sunday 4/7, I just need the car by end of April.

    Must have clean driving record.

    If interested, please email me at [email protected].

  • #87884 Reply

    Business Executive, looking to drive your car from the Northeast to CA ASAP … as early as leave on April 3.
    Please contact me at 401-965-2364 to discuss. My son suffers from intense migraines, cannot fly and needs to get to CA for medical reasons.

  • #85939 Reply

    Available to drive car from DC area to West Coast mid-April

  • #85594 Reply

    I am looking for someone to drive my car from Portland to Washington D.C. or Virginia.
    Please contact me.


    [email protected]

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