Need someone to drive your car cross country? - My Family Travels

* Home Page Forums USA & Canada Family Travel Forum Need someone to drive your car cross country?

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  • #85741 Reply
    Jo Samuel


    I’m looking for someone to drive my GMC Safari from Sacramento, Ca to Austin, Tx. Gas expenses will be compensated

  • #84860 Reply

    Looking for someone to drive our 2007 Dodge Nitro with 120,000 miles from Lexington Park, MD
    to Crestview Florida. March 22nd or March 23rd time frame. Must have clean drivers license

  • #84831 Reply


    Need someone to drive a car from Aurora, Co to Stuart, Florida, leaving Aurora after April 15 and before April 25.

    Contact: [email protected]

  • #81159 Reply
    David J. Levine

    I live in New Jersey and was recently laid off as a UPS driver. I have a perfect driving record and no criminal history. I provide references and I am a non-smoker and do not eat while driving.

    I can drive you car from the NY/NJ/PA/CT (Tri-State) area anywhere you need including internationally into Canada, Mexico, Central and South America. All travel expenses will be documented via receipt and return flight paid by car owner in advance. Entire trip recorded using dual-camera dashcam (front of vehicle and interior) and the SD CARD provided to car owner as documented proof. Live GPS enabled monitoring provided to customer using Android or iOS app.

    Please contact me at your convenience to discuss your transportation needs.

    David Levine

  • #81152 Reply

    Married couple will drive your SUV or Pick up truck from Southern CA to Dallas, TX area leaving approximately January 31, 2019. Cost of gas only required. Excellent references, excellent driving history, non smokers. (Southwest Airlines flies in and out of Dallas Love Field) Please reply asap. Thanks!

  • #81153 Reply
    Ann Khyltash

    Married couple will drive your SUV or pick up truck from Southern CA to Dallas, TX area leaving approximately January 31,2019. Responsible, reliable, clean driving record, non smokers. Cost to you is for gas.

  • #81137 Reply

    I need someone to drive my car from San Ramon CA to Portland Oregon next week! Plz let me know!


  • #81144 Reply

    Need your truck driven to south Florida or someone to drive a U-Haul etc???? I am a professional truck driver with a CDL and willing to drive your vehicle (Truck preferably) to south Florida between now and the next two weeks. I live in Houston and much easier to travel from there lol fly you. I charge $10 an hour and open to negotiating a flat fee. My license is completely clean and I have no problem sending you all my details. Can be reached at [email protected]

  • #81130 Reply

    Hey! How are you?

    From: Norcross, GA
    To: Maggie Valley, NC
    3 hours drive
    Move Date: Saturday Jan 12 around lunchtime

    I have some health issues and can’t drive long distances. I need help moving a small room size that will all fit inside an SUV (No furniture). All the stuff will be packed and ready to load and is smaller items. Seeking a reliable party for an up and back trip.

    I also need a second person who can drive my vehicle (Very clean 2005 MB C230) alongside to be left at the destination.

    Driver would then be driving back their SUV with other driver.

    Of course all expenses paid with gas both ways and any tolls.

    Compensation to be decided for what you/I think is fair. I am not cheap!

    Must be able to show valid drivers license and have full coverage Ins on your vehicle

    Great way to earn some great money for about 7 hours of work!

    Email or better text me at 678-492-3407

  • #81111 Reply

    Starting location: Los Angeles
    Destination: Washington DC
    Type of Vehicle: Mini Cooper Clubman
    MPG: Up to 25 city / 35 highway
    Insured by: Progressive
    Date: Anytime between now and Feb 10, 2019

    Looking for someone responsible (insured, with excellent driving record) to drive my Mini Cooper Clubman from LA to DC before Feb 10, 2019. The car is privately owned and will be from residence to residence. Total mileage driven must be kept under 3000 miles.

    please email: [email protected]


  • #81089 Reply
    Kat L.

    Hello all! Looking for someone responsible (insured, non-smoker, with a good driving record) to drive my Mini Cooper Clubman from LA to DC before Feb 10, 2019. The car is privately owned and will be from residence to residence. Total mileage driven must be kept under 3000 miles, open to negotiation. Thank you! Email me at kaxulo(a) for details.

    Starting location: Los Angeles
    Destination: Washington DC
    Type of Vehicle: Mini Cooper Clubman
    MPG: Up to 25 city / 35 highway
    Insured by: Progressive
    Date: Anytime between now and Feb 10, 2019

  • #81081 Reply
    Kim Cochrane

    I need someone to drive my 2014 Subaru Forrester from San Diego to either Nashville or Cape Girardeau, Missouri. If I cannot find that I would like to get it as far across the country as possible to any city where Southwest Airlines flies. I would like to arrange this as soon as possible but I am flexible on the dates. Excellent driving record a must. My cell phone is 760-331-7989.

  • #81082 Reply

    I need someone to drive a manual 2017 mustang Ecoboost from Savannah to Clio mi end of January

    Please let me know [email protected]

  • #81070 Reply

    I need my 2015 Ford Escape driven from Tampa Florida to Columbus Ohio late January 2019..will be some personal items in it..very comfortable ride. Thanks, Sam [email protected]

  • #81065 Reply

    Hi all,

    I’m looking to drive someone’s
    • car or RV
    • to or from Arizona / New Mexico
    • to or from New England area
    • in the first two-three weeks of February (2019).

    I have a clean driving record – 47 years old, professional & responsible.

    Thank you!

  • #81046 Reply
    Bethany anderson

    Hello! I am looking to get my car from Raleigh NC to Seattle WA (or Portland OR) as soon as possible. It’s a 2008 Honda Civic great on gas. Please let me know if you’re interested! [email protected]

  • #81003 Reply
    John Scherer

    I need my 2017 Buick Enclave driven from Columbus, OH to Orlando, FL (airport) … you would also be pulling a 6′ x 12′ U-Haul trailer. One-way. Needs to arrive Feb 06, 2019. More details to follow upon contact/discussion of specifics. Thank you!

  • #81004 Reply

    Hello everyone!

    I am looking for someone to drive a 2009 Saturn Vue Hybrid from Cincinnati, Ohio (45215) to Durham, NC (27701) as soon as possible. Looks like a beautiful drive! I am willing to be fair with time, gas, and expenses.

    Please send me a note at: zachwolf9 [at] gmail [dot] com

    Thank you and happy new year!

  • #80986 Reply


    I need someone to drive my car cross country from NYC to Denver in late January or February. Please email me if you are available. [email protected]. You would cover gas/ own expenses, as this would ideally be a mutually beneficial situation.


  • #80975 Reply
    Robert Presser

    My wife and I are moving to New York in the middle of March 2019 from Los Angeles and plan to arrive shortly before April 1st. We are looking to find a someone
    who needs their car relocated from the West Coast to the East Coast. Please email me if you are interested at [email protected]
    Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  • #80971 Reply

    Hi, I am trying to find someone who needs a ride from Phoenix to Portland Oregon and would be interested in driving my skoolie in a drive away type of situation that might be mutually beneficial. If you know of anyone please contact me Thank you!

  • #80955 Reply

    My wife and I can bring your car or suv from Ft Meyers to the Midwest during the second week of January.
    You pay gas and extra return fees to my home (negotiate) after we drop the vehicle.

  • #80958 Reply
    Mark Dougherty

    I live in San Diego, CA. Sometime around mid-January I will be flying to Orlando, FL to drive a vehicle back to San Diego. I rather drive to Orlando than fly. So if you have a vehicle that you need to be driven to Orlando area I charge $10 an hour driving time plus expenses. The expenses are meals, motels, fuel, $30 for my to take to pickup vehicle. It is a 35 hour trip so my driving cost is $350.00. I put motels @ around $70.00 per night. Meals I at $40 per day, however you only pay what is on the receipts. If the trip from Orlando to San Diego gets canceled and with have made a commitment I would need an plane ticket back to San Diego plus $30 for my wife to pick me up on my return. I put all expenses on my credit card with the exception of the plane tickets. I ask that you put the plane tickets on your credit card. My cell is 619-993-6577, email [email protected].
    Mark Dougherty

  • #80846 Reply


    Driver here looking to deliver your vehicle for you. Can pick up anywhere in the Maine, NH, Mass., VT area and deliver wherever you need it. I have a clean driving record and have driven 70,000 miles in the past two years for work.

    Shoot me an email! [email protected]

  • #80807 Reply
    Melissa Check

    Hello there! I am looking for someone to drive my daughters car from Ann Arbor, MI to Houston, TX – preferably befor the holidays. Please email me if interested:

    [email protected]

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