My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Beyond Moscow: Notes from Small-Town Russia

When Americans think of Russia, it is usually a very limited picture: cold weather, the Kremlin, the Bolshoi ballet. In fact, most of our understanding of Russian culture is based around the capital city...

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Student Article
Jamaica Journey

The sun's warmth clung to my body as we strolled down the beach. My feet sank into the milky white sand with each step, and the mellow breeze ruffled my already tangled hair. About 200 feet away stood...

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Student Article
A vacation that introduced a different lens.

To encounter something as life changing as traveling is rare; many people dream of traveling but cannot go to these wondrous places due to their frenetic lives. It only took one trip to an underdeveloped...

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Student Article
Besseggen: The Hidden Jewel of Norway

Speechless. Looking out at the world at a loss of words of the beauty displayed ahead. Not knowing what lies on the other side of the mountain ranges or what experiences that it may contain. There is nothing...

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Student Article
Destination Unknown Family Style

Three clues - Three words “S” - “isn’t” in the South Third Disney duckling is the answer Neither Mrs., Ms., or ma’am and do in a hasty manner That was Dad’s riddle. We had to piece...

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Student Article
Falling Head Over Heels

My legs shake as I try to grip onto the slimy rocks beneath me. Each time I try to plant my foot down into the freezing cold water and onto a rock, my foot slips from the algae and my entire body is plummeted...

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Student Article
Heaven Underground: Exploring Seoul’s Fast Fashion Scene — In the Subway

In my home city of Atlanta, our subway system, called MARTA, is nothing more than a cheap, quick means of public transportation. With litter in the trains and urine (yes, urine) in the elevators, the MARTA...

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Student Article
Wonders of Barcelona

Have you ever traveled to a place where your experience visiting showed you a completely new way to see and understand things? Two summers ago, I traveled to Barcelona where I beheld the most beautiful...

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Student Article
If You Haven’t Been Kicked out of a Faux-Italian Leather Store for Bargaining too Hard, Have You Truly Been to Italy?

As I reflect on my two-week adventure in Europe with my AP European History class, I struggle to pinpoint the most memorable moment. Was it losing one of my trip-mates in the London Tube? Daring my friend...

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