Need someone to drive your car cross country? - My Family Travels

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  • #186336 Reply

    Hi there.

    I need someone to drive my Toyota Solara 1999 from San José to Vancouver BC, in August.

    Its in great condition with a low mileage for it’s year.

    Let me know if you want to go on a road trip .


    • #187525 Reply
      Ryan Angus

      Hi Carlo; I can do that next week. Let me know, and we can discuss details. Thanks

  • #186376 Reply

    Looking for someone to drive my 2017 Lincoln MKT from Maine (03903) to California (90503) around August 8th. Email me at [email protected]

  • #185940 Reply

    Looking to drive your car from Seattle to the East coast. Let me know if I can help! It would be the end of August
    [email protected]

  • #185803 Reply

    Looking to drive somebody’s car from Detroit to Los angeles on or around August 20th .I’m a senior citizen with perfect records and an insurance.The owner has to pay for the gas only .Text me at 313 445 9298 .Thanks

  • #185822 Reply

    Hi willing to drive your car (automatic or Manual) from winnipeg to Vancouver around 9th or 10th august 2022. And further willing to drive your car from Vancouver to San Fransico 12th or 13th August 2022. Have a good one.

  • #185545 Reply
    Mark Dougherty

    All People Posting Here On My Family Travels Please Read:
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  • #185136 Reply

    Hello! Looking for someone to drive my manual transmission Mazda 3 from Boston to Dallas, TX. Setting off around August 5-8 if possible, but can be a bit later.

    If interested, please contact me at [email protected]

    • #186335 Reply

      Hi Sam,

      I just emailed you about this…

      You Fly We Drive

  • #185352 Reply

    My wife and I are retired teachers and reliable drivers.
    We are available to drive a vehicle from BC to southern ON in early October.
    If this is something that could help you out, please get in touch.

    [email protected]

  • #185434 Reply
    Jessica V

    Looking for a DRIVER to take my car from Northern New Jersey to Denver, Colorado preferably within the next week. The car is a 2019 Ford Escape. The car is automatic, running, and in great condition. I plan on packing some of my things in the car as I am in the process of moving. Would be willing to pay for gas or to figure out another form of payment. Please reach out if you are interested! Thanks!!!

    – Jessica
    Email: [email protected]

    • #185679 Reply
      Barrett Trenholme


      My name is Barrett Trenholme and I am in the proccess of moving across the country from NYC to Denver. I am willing to drive your car. I do have a dong (Kona) and will have a seat coverer for the back seats that prevents hair from getting on the car. If you want to contact me please email, call or text.

      Hope to hear from you soon,

      Barrett Trenholme
      (303) 842 – 4149

  • #185451 Reply
    Jessica V.

    Looking for someone to drive my 2019 Ford Escape from NJ to CO. The car is automatic. I am more than willing to pay for gas and discuss other payment. Ideally, I would like my car to leave NJ by August 4th. Please reach out if you are interested!

    Email: [email protected]

  • #184908 Reply
    Timothy Wade


    I need a vehicle driven a very short distance (approx 15 miles) in the Denver area. Must be able to drive manual transmission!

    If you’re available ASAP, please let me know via email.


    [email protected]

  • #184813 Reply

    Does anybody want to drive a 2004 toyota camry from seatle, WA to Anchorage, AK?

    • #185548 Reply
      Ric Fridge

      I’m interested in driving your car to Alaska. I would only need you to pay for the gas. Let me know what you think. Thanks

    • #185193 Reply
      Cal Murphy

      Hello, I’m Cal, I’m retired, and have been a long-haul trucker. That means I spent weeks or months at a time on the road. I can handle almost any vehicle, as well as how to handle any kind of road or situation that comes up.

      I buy my own food and beverages, pack light, and I don’t drink or do illegal drugs. I respect your privacy if you want to seal your vehicle for privacy. I can pair you up to my Waze account so you can track me as I go. I ALWAYS DRIVE ALONE – I do not take riders or goods for anyone other than my client.

      There are details to discuss, like costs, expectations, roadside assistance coverage, etc, that we can discuss when the time is right.

      I’m about helping others out. You get what you need to be moved taken care of by an experienced person at a heavily discounted price, and I get to keep busy during my retirement while putting some scratch in my pocket and getting away from the balls and chains of life. Oh, during late autumn, as a trusted community member, I play Santa!

      Let’s talk about YOUR needs!

      • #186020 Reply

        Hi Cal,

        I’m looking for someone to pick up a moving truck in Spokane and take over the border to Nelson, BC and then drive our vehicle back over the border and park at the Spokane airport. It would be the week of September 5th either the 5th, 6th, or 7th. The moving company said the truck should be ready one of those days. You have to be vaccinated to make it over the Canadian border due to on-going restrictions.

        Does this sound like something you can do? Spokane to Nelson, BC is 3.5 hours.

        • #186443 Reply

          I think I would need a passport to do a cross border, and a bill of lading. I don’t have a passport. But if it doesn’t require more than a US driving license as is required for air travel in the U.S. I’d be happy to help.

  • #184811 Reply


    I purchased a vehicle in San Jose, CA and need it delivered to my residence in Rock Hill, SC.

    Preferably between July 29th and August 5th.

    • #189003 Reply
      Trevor Holtz

      Hey jasmine,

      Have you been able to find someone to take your car? Happy to talk about working something out, text me at 715-four 9 six -3 zero four 6

    • #185876 Reply

      Hi Jasmine,
      Driving a car from one coast to the other is a bucket list item! I live a few miles from you in Charlotte, NC and would gladly drive your car with no pay. You just pay for gas (or charging) if you don’t mind.
      I am a German engineer, very experienced driver. Have never been in an accident and had no ticket for years. I will take great care of your car.
      It would be great to hear from you!
      Heiner —> 704 898 3698 (text only)

    • #184982 Reply

      Hi Jasmine,

      Can you contact me at me email address below with the vehicle make and model and I will gladly provide you with a reasonable quote.


      [email protected]

  • #184889 Reply


    We are two recently university graduated friends from the Netherlands (both 23) that are planning a roadtrip starting in San Francisco in the beginning of September to Miami at the end of October. We both are experienced drivers of about six years, don’t smoke and like to keep a clean car. Both manual and automatics are no problem.

    If you have a car that needs to be transported from the San Francisco area to Miami, please let us know via email: [email protected]

    Yannick and Sanne

  • #184927 Reply

    Looking for somebody that wants to have an adventure!

    I am looking for somebody to drive my car from the NY area to the Anchorage area in Alaska. If you have ever wanted to drive the beautiful Alcan highway up to Alaska but didn’t have a vehicle, this is your opportunity!

    I am NOT looking to pay somebody to do this, just somebody that wants to do this out of the sheer adventure of it all. This is a trip I wanted to take with my kids and will do so next summer if there are no takers.

    Please email me if you are interested! [email protected]



  • #184620 Reply

    Hi! Looking to have my car (Honda CR-V) transported from Boston, MA to Chicago suburb, IL last weekend of August. Pickup 8/27 preferably.

    Email: abs0484 (at) gmail (dot) com

    • #185194 Reply
      Cal Murphy

      I’m still open for that time…and still waiting to hear from two other prospects.

  • #184707 Reply


    Looking to get my 2013 Honda CR-V transported from Boston area to Chicago suburb last weekend of August (8/26 ish). Car will have personal belongings too.
    Please reach out to discuss at [email protected]

  • #184560 Reply

    Who wants a HUGE CARGO VAN or CAMPER VAN with tons of storage to move your life from California to NY?
    A CROSS COUNTRY ROAD TRIP in a CAMPER VAN from the CA Bay Area to Niagara Falls / Buffalo, NY?

    DATE: September 6, 2023 for two weeks or less.

    Cost: $950 (Compare to $3000 with Budget Cargo Vans)

    I bought an Extended Chevy Express Passenger Van a couple years ago for a cross country round trip road trip with my wife & 3 children. The van came with 3 rows of seating in the back. We took out the third row to build an elevated bed in the back; leaving the 2 remaining back benches. See the two pictures here:

    The bed can sleep up to 3 people (sometimes 4). Typically, my wife, myself, and daughter would sleep in the bed, and the two boys would sleep across the two back cushioned seat benches. It has tons of storage beneath the bed that was build to easily accommodate plastic totes for organized travelling.

    We are looking to just drive 1-way for 3 weeks in summer 2024 (and fly back)… meaning, you would get to do a similar trip and drive it back to us in Niagara Falls/Buffalo. In our trip, the van got about 20 miles to the gallon… so you should figure that into your budget. Travelling this way enables us to book beautiful campsites across the country (or boon dock for free), and book without fear of the elements (as we bring our own shelter!)

    If you prefer to maximize storage for moving, the bed can be easily disassembled, though of course the bed components would need to come with you.

    We would expect:
    1. The driver(s) to have a clean driving record
    2. A background check
    3. Full auto insurance
    4. A deposit
    5. A maximum of 4000 miles (more can be negotiated for extra fee)

    Contact brent_a_rama (at)

  • #184533 Reply
    Kathy Kleczek

    Looking to drive a vehicle from PNW to New England/NY area Early August. Vehicle will be delivered by August 19th.

    I am a 50+ woman with extensive cross country driving experience. Clean driving record.

    I live in the PNW and am going East to help my mother move. Am offering to drive your vehicle, terms to be negotiated.

    Let me know if I can help you with transporting your vehicle safely across the US.
    Contact me via the email below: (written out to avoid some of the spam generators

    NWCoast4est at Gmail

  • #184554 Reply

    Pick Rihanna up in a real car knock on the door come to 3404 division st jacksonville fl

  • #184412 Reply
    Matthew R Boyer

    Hello we are moving from upstate New York to Austin Texas at the end of August and are willing to transport any vehicle across country. Please contact me if you need your vehicle delivered to and from those areas around that time. Vary much appreciated!

    Thank you!

    [email protected]

  • #184421 Reply

    Hi, I am looking to drive someone’s car from the LOS ANGELES area to DETROIT the first two weeks in August.

    I am a middle aged female Harvard grad and a writer with a spotless driving record. Please let me know if I can help you.

    Text me at:

  • #184229 Reply
    Alex Campean

    Hi everyone!

    Me and 4 other friends are planning on making a road trip mid until the end of September.
    This is our second time embarking on such an adventure in the US as last year we managed to drive a car found on this forum, traveling from NYC to San Diego.

    This time we would love to drive from SF, Bay Area to either Utah (Salt Lake City area), Oregon (Portland area), or Colorado (Denver area). However, we can be flexible with the locations as we’ll plan our trip depending on our final destination so even another location might still fit our plans.

    We’re looking for a larger car, possibly a minivan or something along those lines, considering it has to fit 5 people.

    If you need us to bring your car and the information presented above fits your needs, don’t hesitate to contact me.

    please email me: [email protected]
    or message me: 628 468 7201

  • #184290 Reply

    Looking for someone to drive my 2015 RAV4 from the Bay Area, ca to Calgary, Alberta. I need it in Alberta by August 18 and is ready to next week. Great car, beautiful drive. Willing to cover costs and a bit extra.

    Please email [email protected] if interested

  • #184313 Reply


    I am looking for someone to drive my 2019 Jeep Renegade from the northeast coast to the northwest coast AT A REASONABLE RATE. I am active duty military, currently changing duty stations, and would greatly appreciate the service. I’m looking for someone available to start the drive no earlier than 20 August but no later than 17 September.

    Email: [email protected]

    • #187732 Reply

      Hi Gabrielle,

      Sending an email to you now.


    • #185531 Reply
      Clint Zarnosky


      I sent you an email.


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