My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Nauvoo: A City of The Faith

During the summer of my sophomore year of high school, the youth of my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, had visited the magnificent city of Nauvoo, Illinois: the...

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Student Article
Lost in Translation

The ambiance was still less than perfect. And I hadn’t come to Rome, Italy to experience anything less than perfection. So almost indignantly, I closed my eyes. I pushed my lids far into each...

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Student Article
From Everything to Nowhere

We woke up at 3 a.m. to leave our warm beds and the comfort of our homes to embark on...

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Student Article
Buenas Tardes from Costa Rica

The first thing you notice as you arrive in Costa Rica is all the beautiful scenery. Traveling from San Jose to our...

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Student Article
Unexpectedly Amazing

Big, bright, and glamorous is a teenage girls dream. Being the youngest in my family, I never have had much say on what goes on. Always being overpowered by my two head strong older brothers, and...

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Student Article
My Trip Across The World

At the age of 15 I have traveled and first hand experienced what life was like in Italy, France, and Spain.  It was a once in a life time experience and I am glad I took it. I traveled with...

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Student Article
The Wonderful World of Earth

Every since childhood, I have been inspired by the masterpieces of the Walt Disney company.  Their stories are filled with beloved characters and memorable songs.  Like most children, I...

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Student Article
The Waves Are Calling My Name.

Once that breeze hit me,  I knew that I was never going back; back to the heat, the sweat, the tans, the obnoxious and drunk tourists, the big casinos, the night life, and all the commotion that...

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Student Article
Exploring a new World

Bolivia a country that educated me to live in every situation that life has. I never thought that my life would change in a blink of an eye. Decisions changed my life, whether to...

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