My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
More Than Just Trees

  “We’re spending the day driving around, looking at trees?” My brother moaned, slumping into the back seat of our bronze minivan, his eyes lazily scanning the scene outside...

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Student Article
The Grandest of Them All

This year, over spring break, my mom, my grandma, my best friend Amanda and I went on an amazing road trip to the natural wonder known as the grand canyon. Living just outside Kansas City, this trip...

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Student Article
The Melting Pot

Louisiana could best be described as the Melting Pot of the South. Whether a person is discussing the soulful tunes of Jazz music, the savoury taste of Southern cuisine, or the rich cultures one...

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Student Article
Las Vegas

It was my first time out of state, and I was heading off to Las Vegas, Nevada. The four-hour car ride from San Bernardino, California to Vegas proved to be garrulous and exciting. I enthusiastically...

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Student Article

“¡Bienvendidos a Guatemala!”  The large sign welcomed my group and I into the capital city just outside of the immigration desks. There were twenty-two in our group of adults...

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Student Article
Walking Along the Yellow Brick Road of Poland’s Wonders

What I cherish most about my current trip to Poland is not only the fact that I get to reunite with my family, which is usually the primary purpose of coming here during the summer, but also to visit...

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Student Article
Europe, Teach Me More.

I wish that this scholarship was not due for another month for I am still traveling through Sicily. I have managed to experience so many firsts on this trip and since it’s not over I am sure...

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Student Article
Parisian Paradise: A 17 Year Old’s Take on The City of Light

Cars honking their horns. Cigarette smoke, overwhelming my nostrils and stinging my eyes. The constant flowing of people from all different nations on my left and  right. Music drifting...

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Student Article
A Yellow Brick Road

            Gold was everywhere: the buildings, the parks, the people. Everything possessed an aura that was unquestionably golden. That was...

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