My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
IB York Toronto Trip

Tick, tock, tick, tock. As Amal Ahmed Albaz made her way across the stage, she uttered these simple yet frightening words. Words that warned me of my fleeting youth. The room...

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Student Article
Adventure is Out There!

            I have always been in love with nature and the cultures of the world. I have always wanted to travel and to see what the world has...

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Crested Butte, Colorado At Its Best

A well-skied family goes late in the season to the higher altitudes of Crested Butte, Colorado, guaranteeing the best conditions. For families, a ski trip to the Rockies is, at best, a once-a-season endeavor....

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Student Article
Senior Trip 2012

On May 26, 2012, my senior class of twenty-six people set out for Garden City South Carolina for our senior trip. When most people think of the term "Senior Trip", partying, drinking and...

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Student Article
Something Just….Clicked

Life changing experiences are rare. Even more rare are the moments where you can recognize their significance as the fabric of your life unfolds. Many people spend years seeking such moments, searching...

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Student Article
Building Strong Family Ties In Tennessee

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Student Article
The Sunken Sailors

    In the summer of 2011, my brother and I traveled with two friends to Bermuda.  Since we have family there, we visit every summer, but decided to bring a couple friends...

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Student Article
The Sun Never Sets in Paradise (Caye Caulker, Belize)

Allissa led me through the maze of Caye Caulker’s unpaved streets. We passed colorful houses and the occasional nervous iguana on our way to the marina. Palm trees, with trunks that curved...

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Student Article
Blood is Thicker than Water

On October of 2010, my parents told my sister and me that we are going back to El Salvador during the Spring Break of April 2011 after 12 years. The last time I have been to El Salvador was when...

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