Need someone to drive your car cross country? - My Family Travels

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  • #120263 Reply
    Ron Sense

    Derek, Are you still looking for quotes?? If so, when does vehicle need to be in Cal??

    Ron. 414-750-4110

  • #120264 Reply
    Ron Sense


    Still looking for quotes?? When does car need to be in Cal.??

  • #120265 Reply
    Matt Dawson

    I have a car that needs to be driven from Salt Lake City to Portland. The car is a 2005 Mercedes wagon. It is insured and runs well. Looking for somebody that is willing to drive.

  • #120266 Reply
    Ron Sense


    Still ned some quotes?? If so, when does car need to be in California?

  • #120272 Reply

    I need someone to help me drive from New Bern North Carolina to Albany New York. My mother will be released from rehab after congestive heart failure and I’d like to spend a couple of days with her. I will pay a fee for service and hotels. Thanks!

    Contact me at (518) 421-1469

  • #120094 Reply
    Derek Nguyen

    Hi I need a driver that will drive a 2017 Toyota RAV4 from Appleton, Wisconsin to Oakland, California. Pick the car up January 17th if possible. Could I get a car quote?

  • #119925 Reply
    Dale Padgett

    Have you found a driver to complete this trip?

  • #119910 Reply
    Deborah Coulter

    I will be traveling from New York to Arizona in mid February and from Arizona to New York in mid March. Please contact me if you need a vehicle of your’s driven Cross country at either of these times. I have an excellent driving record and no points on my license. I am also 49 years old and a very careful driver.

  • #119873 Reply
    Andre Chavez

    I’m looking for someone who needs to get from West Coast (CA) to East Coast (FL) in the next month? Willing to help pay for gas and AirBnB to drive my car from Los Angeles to Orlando.
    Email me if you or anyone you know is interested. [email protected]

  • #119822 Reply

    Hi Ella, are tyou still looking for someone to do this? I will be available April 1 if that helps…
    Let me know!

  • #119677 Reply
    Eduardo Nunez


    I’m looking to make a drive from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Midwest (flexible with final destination in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, North / South Dakota). Please let me know if anyone needs help getting their car driven. Also flexible with dates.

  • #119640 Reply

    Hello –

    I am looking for someone to drive a 2018 Subaru Crosstrek from Westchester, NY to Salt Lake City, UT as soon as possible. I have just moved to Park City and need my car out here. If you are interested in the adventure and perhaps some skiing when you arrive, please text me at 914-255-5905.


  • #119573 Reply
    Camila Fierro

    I’m going to be driving Seattle to NYC in Q1 of 2020 (exact dates TBD and flexible) – does anyone need their car driven across country?

  • #119335 Reply

    Its funny that even after 2 years people are commenting about the driver requirement.

  • #119336 Reply

    2 years still looking for a driver.

  • #119275 Reply
    Marna Coulter

    I am looking for someone to drive my car from Denver, MA to Redmond, WA
    Time frame,in January 2020.Please contact me
    email [email protected]



  • #119279 Reply

    Hi Manjit, I will consider doing this and also for free. Please email me back [email protected]

  • #119280 Reply

    Hi Trudy are you still looking for someone? please email at [email protected] if so.

  • #118698 Reply
    Mark Dougherty

    It is a 36 hour trip from Benton City, WA to Cummings, GA. I charge $10 an hour driving time, my driving cost is $360.00 plus $60 for my wife to take me to the airport and pick me up on my return. I looked up prices and about the only way to fly into Benton City is a flight from San Diego to Los Angeles to Benton City on United costs approximately $515. Another option is fly Southwest from San Diego to Portland for around $100, lowest I saw was $79.00 on Southwest. This would require you meeting me in Portland. It is about 3.5 hour drive from Benton to Portland. A return flight on Southwest is around $200.00.
    As stated in your post you are paying for meals, food and motels. I also need plane tickets from San Diego to Benton City or to Portland as an option and a ticket from Atlanta to San Diego. I need to be paid for my driving time. I need my wife to be paid for her driving time.
    Estimate costs for trip:
    Driving time: $360.00 fixed
    Wife driving time $60.00 fixed
    Two plane tickets approximately $725 if I fly into Benton City, $200 if I fly into Portland. If I fly anything other airlines other than I would need to check baggage $30.00+/- for each ticket. Return flight from Atlanta to San Diego approximately $200.
    Total cost option 1 flying into Benton City:
    $360.00-driving time
    $60.00-wife driving time
    $725.00-plane tickets United and Southwest
    $60.00-checked bags
    Total $1205
    Option 2 fly into Portland
    $360.00-driving time
    $60.00-wife driving time
    $370-plane tickets Southwest
    No charge for check baggage on Southwest.
    Total $790.00
    Difference between the two options:$415 approximately
    My email is [email protected]
    My cell is 619-993-6577
    My home phone is 619-443-6537
    If you can email me your email address I can forward letters of references.
    About me:
    Male, will be 73 in February, married, retired, non-smoker.
    Mark Dougherty

  • #118651 Reply
    Ethel N.

    Need someone to drive me (75 year old woman) and my 3 cats (in carriers) in my 2003 Mitsubishi Montero Sport (84K miles) from Benton City, WA to Cumming, GA (approx. 2450 miles) during the week of April 13, 2020. Have heard trip should take 4-5 days; will pay for gas, meals, hotels. Only qualified, safe drivers and I would like to do background check or get references as I would be traveling with you. Please provide quote.

    • #118707 Reply
      Mark Dougherty

      Please see my post below.

  • #118494 Reply
    Jeremy Orenstein

    Hi everyone,
    Need a car/truck driven across country West-East February 2020?? I am available to make the trip. I will be in Seattle, willing to pick up the vehicle as south as San Fran and drive to the North East.

    Experienced driver. I drive a dump truck for an ecological landscaping company for work and am fortunate enough to have driven across this beautiful country twice. I love to travel. Best to reach me at [email protected]

  • #118227 Reply

    Hi Manjit.Plse visit our website for immediate and affordable Luke.

  • #118223 Reply

    Hi Lucinda. We can do this for you on the date requested. Plse check our website or call 3172287808.Thanks Luke.

  • #118222 Reply

    Hi Alex, I’m willing to do the drive as long as flights food lodging are reimbursed along with a daily rate. I’m also willing to negotiate please get in touch! [email protected]

  • #118172 Reply
    Lucinda mullin

    Looking for someone to drive my Volvo 2011 station wagon from West Islip my on 1/19 yo north palm beach Fl

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